We asked, you said, we did
Find out more about the results of consultation and engagement activities and how we have used your views to help influence our decision-making process.
Find out more about the results of consultation and engagement activities and how we have used your views to help influence our decision-making process.
Budget consultation 2022/23
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We asked
We asked for your views on our budget proposals for 2022/23.
You said
There were 81 respondents to the consultation. 54% either directly supported the budget proposals (33%) or were neutral (21%). Out of the 81 respondents, 48 responded on the proposed Council Tax increase for 2021/22. Overall, just under half of respondents (46%, 30 out of 81 respondents) support both an increase in general Council Tax (either 1% or up to 1.99%) and the proposal to apply a further 1% Adult Social Care Precept increase.
You can read the full results of the consultation here.
We did
The findings from the consultation were reported to Policy and Resources Committee on 9 February 2022 and will the 2022/23 budget was approved by Full Council on 1 March 2022.
Halliwick Recreation Ground - Sustainable Urban Drainage Scheme (SuDS) consultation - Phase 1
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We asked
We asked you about your views on the proposed Sustainable Drainage Scheme (SuDS) / flood storage detention basin in the north-eastern corner of Halliwick Recreation Ground which aims to store storm water during heavy rain reducing the risk of flooding to nearby properties and highways. We also asked local residents to inform us of their past flooding experiences. The aim was to capture early feedback from residents to inform the detailed design of the scheme ahead of detailed design and construction.
You said
There were 17 responses to the online questionnaire. You told us the road locations and addresses that have experienced flooding and provided details about which areas of your properties have been affected.
Results of the survey showed us that support for the SuDS proposals was high at 94% (56% strongly support the scheme and 38% tending to support the scheme).
The majority of respondents agreed that the proposal will bring benefits to properties and infrastructure, the environment and local community. Several respondents asked for further engagement and education to understand the benefits fully.
We did
The survey has enabled the project team to consider feedback from the community and gather preliminary data about:
- How respondents are connected to the local area – living or working in the area and duration.
- Frequency of property flooding from rainfall runoff and extent of flooding.
- Specific locations where flooding is taking place.
- Local knowledge regarding sewage, access to key infrastructure and ability of highway gullies to cope with heavy rainfall.
- People’s views on the SuDS scheme and levels of support.
- Demographic data of those affected.
We have taken on board your feedback and will use this when developing the final designs for the SuDS. We will also be delivering several consultation sessions across Winter 2022/2023 at Halliwick Recreation Ground to continue engage with local residents and provide further information about the scheme. These sessions will be promoted locally.
A full summary of the survey results can be found here.
Clitterhouse Playing Fields phase 2 consultation
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We asked
We asked you what you thought about the new designs for Clitterhouse Playing Fields, which is due to be regenerated through the Brent Cross Town development. We shared how we had responded to your comments from our first round of consultation in October 2021, such as the inclusion of a café and changing facilities within the pavilion. Through the consultation we also asked you about what kind of things would support and encourage you in participating in sport and physical activity more often.
We asked you
- how you use the playing fields and whether providing new facilities for sports, play and wellbeing would represent an improvement to what exists at the moment
- what facilities you would use, such as an all-wheel park, basketball courts, and all-weather pitches for football, and hockey
- we asked you whether you liked the design of the playing fields, and how we could make it more accessible for all members of the community
- we asked you about the landscape and ecology of the playing fields.
- we asked you how you would like dogs to use the playing fields
You said
You told us that you liked the updated proposals for Clitterhouse Playing Fields. The type of activities which you supported included the outdoor gym, playgrounds, wildflower areas, café, and seating/picnic areas. You were supportive of the inclusion of space for community events to be held in such as the amphitheatre, as well as the continuation of existing community activities. You were supportive of the mix of facilities for wellbeing, sport, physical activity, and play, to ensure that people can relax in open spaces as well as engage in sport.
You shared views about how the park would operate once open, referencing safety and security, maintenance, and the affordability of using the facilities proposed for sports and play. From this feedback it was clear that affordability and accessibility were important to respondents, ensuring Clitterhouse Playing Fields is a place which is suitable for people of all ages, ability, and interests.
We did
We have taken on board your feedback and developed the final designs for the playing fields which consider comments from both our first and second rounds of consultation. We look forward to sharing these proposals with you and expand on how we are ensuring the playing fields can be safe, well-maintained, and affordable at our public consultation in Summer 2022.
Clitterhouse Playing Fields phase 1 consultation
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We asked
We asked you about how you currently use and interact with Clitterhouse Playing Fields, which are due to be regenerated through the Brent Cross Town development, and how you would like to see them change in the future. Through the consultation we also asked you, among other things about your current opinion of the playing fields, how frequently you visit them, from which entrance you access them, and how much you enjoy using the space and for what activities.
We asked you:
- how you currently use the playing fields & what your current perceptions of them were
- what improvements you thought could be made to them
- we asked you what features would be important for you in the redevelopment of the space, and what type of experience you would like to have there.
You said
You told us that you use the Playing Fields regularly, all year round. The types of activities which you enjoyed doing at Clitterhouse Playing Fields tended to be more informal activities such as walking or going for a run. You also told us that you enjoy the openness of the playing fields, however you also told us that you would like to see more facilities available too, and that if more facilities were availability, you would be encouraged to take part in more sport.
You told us that it is important to you that the Playing Fields are safe and welcoming to all users, as well as being well maintained and litter free. From the responses it was clear that the space should be suitable for all ages, provide interaction with nature as well as being a place where you can go to relax with friends.
We did
We have taken onboard your feedback and developed the emerging design for the playing fields to respond to your concerns and recommendations. We look forward to hearing your feedback on our proposals which will be out for public consultation in March 2022.
School Streets - St Agnes Catholic Primary School
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We asked
We asked for your views on proposals to implement a School Streets Scheme enforced by Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) cameras at St Agnes Catholic Primary School. This was in response to requests for a School Street Scheme to deal with traffic congestion around the school entrances.
You said
We distributed 269 letters to the area around the school asking for views on our proposals. We received 32 responses to the consultation, with an overall 66% rate of support for the proposal, with 25% of respondents opposing the scheme.
We did
We took all the feedback into consideration and a Chief Officer’s Decision was made to proceed with the implementation of the School Street Scheme at St Agnes Catholic Primary School. The scheme was completed in spring 2022 and is currently in place. You can read more about the results of the consultation. You can read more about how the School Street will operate.
School Streets - St Paul's Church of England Primary School
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We asked
We asked for your views on proposals to implement a School Streets Scheme enforced by Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) cameras at St Paul’s Church of England Primary School. This was in response to requests for a School Street Scheme to deal with traffic congestion around the school entrances.
You said
We distributed 108 letters to the area around the school asking for views on our proposals. We received 21 responses to the consultation, with an overall 57% rate of support for the proposal, with 29% of respondents opposing the scheme.
We did
We took all the feedback into consideration and a Chief Officer’s Decision was made to proceed with the implementation of the School Street Scheme at St Paul’s Church of England Primary School. The scheme was completed in spring 2022 and is currently in place. You can read more about how the School Street will operate.
School Streets - Wren Academy
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We asked
We asked for your views on proposals to implement a School Streets Scheme enforced by Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) cameras at Wren Academy. This was in response to requests for a School Street Scheme to deal with traffic congestion around the school entrance.
You said
We distributed 180 letters to the area around the school asking for views on our proposals. We received 98 responses to the consultation, with an overall 51% rate of support for the proposal, with 31% of respondents opposing the scheme.
We did
We took all the feedback into consideration and a Chief Officer’s Decision was made to proceed with the implementation of the School Street Scheme at Wren Academy. The scheme was completed in spring 2022 and is currently in place. You can read more about how the School Street will operate.
School Streets - Summerside Primary School
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We asked
We asked for your views on proposals to implement a School Streets Scheme enforced by Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) cameras at Summerside Primary School. This was in response to requests for a School Street Scheme to deal with traffic congestion around the school entrance.
You said
We distributed 204 letters to the area around the school asking for views on our proposals. We received 59 responses to the consultation, with an overall 54% rate of support for the proposal, with 20% of respondents opposing the scheme.
We did
We took all the feedback into consideration and a Chief Officer’s Decision was made to proceed with the implementation of the School Street Scheme at Summerside Primary School. The scheme was completed in spring 2022 and is currently in place. You can read more about how the School Street will operate.
School Streets - Colindale Primary School
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We asked
We asked for your views on proposals to implement a School Streets Scheme enforced by Automatic Number Plate Reading (ANPR) cameras at Colindale School. This was in response to requests for a School Street Scheme to deal with traffic congestion around the school entrances.
You said
We distributed 413 letters to the area around the school asking for views on our proposals. We received 98 responses to the consultation, with an overall 41% rate of support for the proposal, with 27% of respondents opposing the scheme.
We did
We took all the feedback into consideration and a Chief Officer’s Decision was made to proceed with the implementation of the School Street Scheme at Colindale School. The scheme was completed in spring 2022 and is currently in place. You can read more about how the School Street will operate.
Brent Cross West Western Entrance Public Realm
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We asked
We asked for your views on our proposals for the western entrance public realm planned for Barnet’s new Brent Cross West station.
You said
During a three-week public consultation period, 74 feedback surveys were received. Common themes included increased planting, decreased cycle parking, safety concerns for the area, accessibility concerns for disabled users at the drop-off bay, more seating, and dedicated parking.
We did
Feedback received enabled the refinement of the Brent Cross West western entrance public realm concept design. Design changes that were progressed included increase planting as both permanent and temporary features, decreased cycle parking which will be monitored in future to understand user demand, drop-off bay changes to be level with the carriageway, and increased seating. Safety has been fundamental to the design of the public realm, and whilst there were no significant changes to the design in this regard, we have provided a list of infrastructure and natural surveillance sources to enhance safety (within this document, page 6). Finally, further parking facilities were not considered as this would detract from the purpose of the Brent Cross West station and its public realm, which is to encourage active travel.
Further detailed information on the results of the consultation can be found here.