Local Flood Risk Management Strategy consultation
Read more about this consultation
We asked
We asked for your views on our proposed updated Local Flood Risk Management Strategy (LFRMS) and the Action Plan for 2023-2029.
We wanted to understand if you thought the strategy was clear and easy to understand, and what you thought of the strategic objectives and proposed actions plan that were included in the draft strategy.
We also wanted to hear what you knew about flooding and the guidance and processes in place if you were to experience a flood in the future.
You said
We received 24 responses to our online questionnaire:
- 72 either strongly agreed or tended to agree that the purpose of the LFRMS was clear
- 61% either strongly agreed or tended to agree that the LFRMS was easy to understand
- 61% either strongly agreed or tended to agree that the different responsibilities outlined in the strategy were clear
- 81% of respondents were unaware that the council had dedicated Flood and Water management information on its website.
A total of 12 technical stakeholders also provided responses to the technical consultation:
- 100% of the respondents agreed that the greatest risk Barnet faces is from surface water flooding, followed by 83% for sewer flooding and 35-40% from rivers/watercourses
- 75% of the respondents were aware that the Council’s website has a dedicated Flood and Water Management page and 83% were aware that the Council discourages developing on the watercourses
- 100% of the respondents agreed that the purpose of LFRMS is clear and that the strategic objectives will help prevent and manage risks from flooding. They also agreed that the strategy is easy to understand, the different roles and responsibilities outlined in the strategy are clear, and the strategic objectives defined are appropriate and clear
- 80% of the respondents agreed that we had not missed out any objectives and agreed with the timescale of the action plan.
We did
We implemented minor changes made to the LFRMS itself including updating phrasing, associated mapping and checking references.
In the Action Plan, amendments included changing the wording around some actions and further reference adding links.
The Local Flood Risk Management Strategy and Action Plan were adopted by the council during the Cabinet meeting on 5 September 2023.