We asked, you said, we did

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Find out more about the results of consultation and engagement activities and how we have used your views to help influence our decision-making process.

Find out more about the results of consultation and engagement activities and how we have used your views to help influence our decision-making process.

  • A1000 Cycle Lane engagement and consultation - Phase 1

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    Read more about this consultation.

    We asked

    We asked for your views on the future of the A1000 ‘pop up’ Cycle Lane, ahead of a Phase 2 formal consultation planned for November/December 2022.

    You said

    We received a total of 136 people registering for a series of ‘face to face’ and on-line’ workshops and all were offered attendance. A total of 60 of those people attended one of the six workshops.

    A mix of opinions were expressed at the workshops, both in support of and opposition to the scheme and overall people were measured in their comments about the scheme, notwithstanding that some attendees would like to see the scheme removed and many made comments about how the scheme could be enhanced and improved in the future.

    The high-level summary of the workshop findings is as follows:

    • those who support the scheme had reservations about the quality of the provision, as it currently is – not great for cycling and not great for motor traffic
    • those who oppose the scheme do so on the grounds of perceived traffic congestion that has arisen both on the A1000 and redistribution, to surrounding roads. Other opposition was more generalised e.g. facilitating cycling is not something that public money should be spent on, or that new infrastructure does not create new cyclists/cycle journeys
    • a common issue was that the type and quality of provision is not seen as consistent along the route including. lack of segregation at junctions and confusion about the blue cycle patches as used on the A406 bridge
    • there were some concerns around accessibility e.g. disabled parking bays being blocked by other users or insufficient supply of access for disabled people travelling by car
    • people identified how and where improvements could be made including the quality of the surfacing and materials used (segregating bollards seen as cheap and of poor quality), widening of the cycle lane particularly in segregated sections to enable street sweeping, proper segregation on the A406 bridge, introduction of early-release traffic signals for cycles.

    We did

    Following the workshops, we have used the feedback to develop Phase 2 of the consultation process, which runs from 21 November 2022 to 21 December 2022.

    The feedback from both Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the engagement and consultation exercise will help inform recommendations for the future of the route, to be presented to Environment and Climate Change Committee in January 2023.

  • Play improvements consultation - Ducks Island

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on the refurbishment of the Ducks Island playground.

    You said

    We received 106 responses to the online questionnaire, and we spoke to 14 people at the two events we ran in the playground. The key themes from the public consultation were requests for the following:

    • to extend the playground/have more equipment for older children
    • steps to young multi play unit rather than a net
    • facilities for disabled children including those unable to move from a wheelchair
    • a splash park
    • imaginative equipment and interactive equipment
    • a roundabout.

    We did

    Following the feedback received we developed a revised plan, which includes:

    • the net to access the young multi play unit has been replaced with steps.
    • a wheelchair accessible roundabout has been included.
    • the play panels have been selected to be interactive.

    The order has been placed for this design, and it is likely to be installed in March 2023.

    In response to the requests, we will not be providing equipment for older children in this location, as when this was provided in the past there were issues of anti-social behaviour. We do not have sufficient budget to extend the play area. We also do not have the facilities or budget to maintain a splash park.

  • Play improvements consultation - Tudor Sports Ground

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on the proposed play facilities at Tudor Sports Ground.

    You said

    We received 104 responses to the online questionnaire; we received six direct emails and we spoke to 35 people at the two events we ran in the park. The key themes from the public consultation were:

    • request for more imaginative play/Wendy house
    • separation of the older swings and younger swings
    • request for more facilities for disabled children
    • request to keep or have new monkey bars
    • request for an outdoor gym.

    We did

    Following the feedback received we developed a revised plan, which includes:

    • a Wendy house has been added to the revised design. There is also seating under the ship and a shop under the toddler unit
    • the equipment for older children, including swings has been grouped together on one side of the playground, and the equipment for younger children, including swings, has been grouped on the other side
    • a mirage swing has been added which can be used by a wide range of physical abilities, and a wheelchair accessible roundabout has been added to the design
    • the ship includes a set of banister bars, and you can use your arms to go down or up these.

    The order has been placed for this design, and it is likely to be installed in February/March 2023.

    In response to the request for an outdoor gym, the funding for the playground can only be used for a playground, so cannot be used for an outdoor gym. A new state of the art outdoor gym opened in August 2022 at Victoria Recreation Ground, which is nearby.

  • Princes Park play improvements - phase 1 consultation

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on the proposed play facilities at Princes Park.

    You said

    We received 168 responses to the online questionnaire, we received 28 direct emails and we spoke to 47 people at the two events in the park.

    The key themes from the public consultation were:

    • a fair number of respondents did not want the new older children’s play area to be on the area proposed, as it is highly valued, unshaded, well used and one of the limited open spaces in the park that can be used by all
    • a few respondents said there was no need to replace the current playground
    • request for more facilities for disabled children
    • request for surfacing under the current benches and picnic tables in the fenced playground, and more benches and picnic tables
    • views on the location of the football goals were varied, with a few comments that they should not be installed
    • for the older equipment respondents liked items that could spin and where multiple children could play at one time.

    We did

    Following the feedback received we have produced a revised proposal for the play facilities. We have relocated the older children’s play equipment, and we have changed all the older children’s play equipment to enable more children to be playing at the same time. We will be running a public consultation on these changes in November 2022.

    We have swapped a basket swing for a mirage swing, which can be used by young children and those with additional needs. We plan to provide a special strap that can be used with the swing.

    Within the revised proposal we will be surfacing under the current benches and picnic tables in the fenced playground. We do not currently have the money for more benches and picnic tables.

    The revised proposal includes the provision of two football goals and the public consultation seeks further opinion on the goal posts.

    We have added an additional spinner into the fenced playground and removed the spheres, which were not a popular item.

  • Brent Cross Town Plot 1 consultation: The first new offices and higher education facilities

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    Read more about this consultation.

    We asked

    We asked you what you thought about the new designs for Plot 1, the first office-led development being delivered in Brent Cross Town. This new building is situated adjacent to the new Brent Cross West Station which is expected to be completed in the new year and will provide a connection to central London in 12 minutes.

    We asked you

    • whether you like the design of the exterior of Plot 1, as well as the internal layout.
    • whether you were supportive of a rooftop space, along with seating for the building’s occupiers.
    • if you were in favour of the use of sustainable building techniques such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) to reduce carbon emissions associated with building this development.
    • if you were supportive of the inclusion of cycle storage and shower facilities to encourage active travel.

    You said

    You told us that you were supportive of the inclusion of rooftop space, as well as the inclusion of greenery and seating space within this. You liked the proposals inclusion of cycle storage and shower facilities to encourage active travel. You were supportive of the reduction of energy usage by making use of natural daylight. You asked how we were incorporating natural materials within the building and integrating more greenery within the external design of the building. You shared some concern about the exterior design of Plot 1 but were overall supportive of the proposals for Plot 1 at Brent Cross Town.

    We did

    We have taken on board your feedback and developed the final designs for Plot 1. This included incorporating multiple terraces which provide external amenities at different levels. We have also made the timber on the structure fully visible through exposed ceilings on every office floor, creating a warm and natural environment for the building’s users.

  • Young people's workshops - July 2022

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    We asked

    We asked young people for their views on several topics to help us unpack key findings from the young person survey (YPS) 2021-222. Topics covered included learning more about young people’s experiences of living in Barnet, their satisfaction with the local area, if they felt Barnet is a Family Friendly borough, understanding and exploring: their top three concerns: feeling safe in the borough; their top personal safety concerns and their health and well-being.

    You said

    Six workshops were delivered in July with 63 young people across the borough participating. Young people provided useful insights on what they like about the borough, voiced their concerns while exploring the potential reasons behind the YPS results. The importance of raising greater awareness of services and building relationships with young people was highlighted in all sessions.

    We did

    We analysed the insights gathered from the workshops and shared key findings with relevant stakeholders. This report was also presented to the Barnet Children’s Partnership Board in November 2022, and included the following recommendations:

    Adopt a holistic approach to deepen understanding: as there are many perspectives on the reasons behind the YPS results, the findings from this engagement should be contextualised and considered with other insights to drive improvements. Focus areas to include, but not limited to:

    • supporting schools to effectively deal with sensitive issues such as racism and homophobia
    • improving understanding of different types of disabilities and mental health issues to foster greater empathy
    • enhancing relationship with Barnet Carers Centre to ensure the views and experiences of young carers inform service improvements.
    • identifying ways to raise greater awareness of what the council does to support Barnet residents, especially young people.

    Share and incorporate findings to improve services: ensure that findings from this research are presented at relevant meetings or boards (for example, the Special Educational Needs and Disability (SEND) Partnership Board) and incorporated into the development of the Children and Young People’s Plan.

    Work is underway to incorporate the recommendations to improve the lives of children and young people in the borough.

  • Consultation on additional provision for children with special needs at Friern Barnet School

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on our proposals to expand SEN provision in Barnet through the opening of an Additional Resourced Provision (ARP) for secondary aged children with learning and cognition needs at Friern Barnet School.

    You said

    We received four responses to the online questionnaire. All of the respondents said they either agree with the proposal or did not disagree. Respondents agreed on the basis of the following:

    • acknowledged the need for additional SEND specialist places in Barnet and the benefit to Barnet children
    • acknowledged the need for additional secondary specialist places in Barnet
    • Acknowledged the need for greater choice of specialist provision

    Additionally, you asked would the provision be teacher led and will there be appropriately qualified specialist teachers?

    We did

    The school has recruited a qualified teacher to lead the ARP provision, who will work alongside the school Special Educational Needs Coordinator (SENCo). Support for meeting the needs of the students will be matched to the different needs of the students admitted. All mainstream schools are able to meet the needs of children with specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia. The pupils who will be admitted to the ARP provision will have more complex learning and cognition needs. Oak Lodge special school have provided buddying support in assisting the school in preparing to meet the needs of the students admitted.

    We decided to proceed with the opening of the Friern Barnet ARP provision and the first cohort of children were admitted into Year 7 in September 2022. Cohorts will be introduced at the start of each new academic year until 2026 when the ARP will be able to take its full capacity.

  • Barnet Special Educational Places Plan consultation

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on the Barnet Special Educational Needs Places Plan 2021/22.

    We asked you to comment on the proposal to maintain the same balance of provision for children and young people with special educational needs with Education, Health and Care Plans across mainstream schools, Additional Resource Provisions (ARPs) and Special Schools?

    You said

    We received 48 responses to the online questionnaire.

    • 58% agreed that we should maintain the same balance of provision across mainstream schools, ARPs and special schools.
    • 98% agreed with the proposal to offer more high-quality specialist places (ARPs and special school places) locally in Barnet.
    • 78% agreed with our proposals to deliver extra specialist SEN places in Barnet.
    • 88% agreed with our proposals for allocating the Special Provision Fund to the projects outlined in the Plan.

    Responses were provided with the following issues noted:

    • acknowledged the increase in the numbers of children with SEND
    • acknowledged that parental preference should guide provision
    • acknowledged the need for additional specialist places in Barnet
    • acknowledged the need for specialist provision to be developed in Barnet to enable children to attend school locally in their own area
    • acknowledged the need for additional provision for secondary aged pupils
    • acknowledged the need for greater choice of specialist provision
    • acknowledged the need for additional provision for children with Autism
    • concern that the need for provision for children with Social, Emotional and Mental Health (SEMH) needs is being overlooked.
    • concern that the provision being proposed is not evenly spread across the borough which will impact on transport.

    We did

    We expanded Northway School on 6 September 2022 to reassure them that the building works were completed, and the school was fully operational for the start of term.

    We opened an ARP provision at Friern Barnet School for secondary aged children with Learning and Cognition Needs. The first cohort of children were admitted into Year 7 in September 2022. Cohorts will be introduced at the start of each new academic year until 2026 when the ARP will be able to take its full capacity.

    The Windmill School is planned to open in academic year 2023/24. This is a special school which will meet the needs of children with Autism who are unable to access a mainstream school environment even with an ARP provision but do not require a special school placement for significant learning and cognition needs associated with their autism.

  • Sustainability Strategy engagement

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on how we address sustainability across Barnet and help shape our strategy for the borough.

    You said

    162 people attended the 11 workshops throughout March 2022. Eighteen key recommendations were made in the workshops over five themes:

    • Homes and buildings
    • Transportation
    • Green skills, circular economy, and promoting recycling and reuse
    • Natural environment and water management
    • Council operations

    We did

    These are now being assessed alongside other actions already identified and will feed into the Climate Action Plan which is due to be published in November 2022. A link to our action plan will be made available when it is published.

    We have recently commissioned TPXimpact to work with us on delivering a Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change and Biodiversity. This is another opportunity to have your voice heard on sustainability, more information on how to get involved will be available on Engage Barnet soon.

    Since these workshops took place, we have declared a climate and biodiversity emergency and increased the ambition of the council's net zero targets for 2042 as a borough and by 2030 as an organisation. We have also joined London's anti-idling campaign, committing us to improving Barnet's air quality.

  • Northway Special School expansion consultation

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on our proposals to expand Northway Special School through the creation of an annex on the Grasvenor Infant School site.

    You said

    We received 47 responses to the online questionnaire. 70% of respondents said they agree with the proposal to expand Northway School on the basis that the expansion of specialist placements:

    • acknowledged the need for additional SEND specialist places in Barnet and the benefit to Barnet children
    • acknowledged the need for additional secondary specialist places in Barnet
    • recognised the expertise of the specialist staff at Northway School
    • recognised the benefit to the borough of retaining Grasvenor site as a school.

    30% said they disagree with the proposal and some of the following factors were cited as reasons why they had concerns:

    • concerns about the increased traffic to the school site
    • concerns about the need for more experience of teaching secondary age pupils
    • concerns about having secondary aged pupils in a school alongside a primary school
    • concerns for the Key Stage 1 children already attending Northway school who will have to move to a different site.

    We did

    We decided to proceed with the expansion of Northway School and are responding to the feedback given as follows:

    • concerns about the increased traffic to the school site
    • our response: the transport department is working closely with the school to ensure that the number of additional vehicles going to the site will be kept to a minimum

    • concerns about the need for more experience of teaching secondary age pupils
    • our response: Northway School is employing teaching staff with experience of teaching secondary age pupils

    • concerns about having secondary aged pupils in a school alongside a primary school
    • our response: whilst acknowledging this concern, there are a number of schools in Barnet that already admit both primary and secondary aged pupils

    • concerns for the Key Stage 1 children already attending Northway school who will have to move to a different site.
    • our response: whilst acknowledging this concern, the transition for children moving to the new school site was well prepared for. Northway staff reported at the start of term that the children had settled well into their new environment and were enjoying being in school

    The expansion was completed by the start of the autumn term 2022. We emailed parents of children at Northway School on 6 September 2022 to reassure them that the building works were completed, and the school was fully operational for the start of term.

Page last updated: 03 Dec 2024, 04:17 PM