West Hendon Playing Fields and Associated Community Facilities

For more information on this consultation please click here.

We asked:

We asked you to share your views on the future of West Hendon Playing Fields. Specifically, we asked what you would most like to see on site and provided a long list of potential development options designed to improve the provision of sports and community facilities.

The online engagement exercise was undertaken from 14th May to 3rd June 2018.

You said:

We received 219 responses to the online engagement exercise. The proposed long list of potential facility development options was welcomed by many of you. However, you said it was important to consider the impact of any development near to the Welsh Harp and local wildlife, flora and fauna.

In addition, a number of suggestions were made about the site which were taken into account such as the need for improved park maintenance and management, better connectivity to and throughout the Playing Fields site and a desire to improve and enhance the ecological interest of the wider site.

We did:

We reviewed all the responses submitted and the results were used to inform an Options Appraisal Report for the Council to consider.

Following the Council’s feedback on the options appraisal report, SLC will develop a draft Masterplan for the site based upon the preferred options.

The draft Masterplan will be used to engage further with local residents and stakeholders later this year. Feedback from this engagement together with further consultation with Barnet Council will inform the development of the final Masterplan scheduled for completion by later this year.

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