Underhill and surrounding area CPZ consultation
Read more about this consultation
We asked
We asked for your views on the implementation of parking controls, including the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) Underhill, in order to address local parking concerns and demand.
You said
We received 291 responses from approximately 1700 properties that were consulted, which represents an overall response rate of 17%.
46% (135 respondents) of the respondents told us they, their family or visitors always, often, or sometimes experience parking problems near their property. They stated that parking problems are mainly caused by multiple car households, commuter parking, or trade vans/trucks.
Of those properties consulted, 15% objected to the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone.
25% respondents said they would like traffic issues to be investigated further to improve road safety at the road junctions and improve traffic flow along Mays Lane, Underhill, and Fairfield Way.
There were also concerns raised regarding parking issues associated with school traffic.
We did
Based on the feedback received we are developing proposals to improve parking, traffic flow, and road safety in the area. The consultation feedback and any measures proposed will be discussed and agreed with your Ward Members, and subject to funding availability will be progressed to statutory consultation and implementation.