Princes Park play improvements - phase 2 consultation
Read more about this consultation.
We asked
We asked for your views on the revised location for the additional play equipment in Princes Park, and views on the revised equipment, as well as the provision of football goals.
You said
We received 36 responses to the online questionnaire, and we received five direct emails.
The summary of the responses is:
- all respondents were happy with the revised location of the additional play equipment
- almost all respondents were happy with the revised equipment
- almost all respondents wanted no football goals.
We did
An order has been placed to refurbish the existing playground and install new equipment on the space where the long log currently lies. This is the location and play equipment described in the Phase 2 consultation. The estimated date for this work is April/May 2023.
An order has not been placed for football goals, so the one existing football goal will remain.