West Hendon Parking Review - statutory consultation
Read more about this consultation
We asked
We asked for your views on proposals to introduce a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Neeld Crescent, Rundell Crescent and Edgeworth Close.
You said
We sent letters to 236 properties on all three roads as part of the statutory consultation. We received 10 responses which included objections, comments and suggestions as summarised below:
- Neeld Crescent - we received three responses from Neeld Crescent. Two respondents objected to the CPZ proposals and two respondents requested an introduction of double yellow lines at the junction of Neeld Crescent with Vivian Avenue. We also received a petition requesting longer times of the proposed CPZ of operation.
- Rundell Crescent - we received one response in support of the proposed CPZ in Rundell Crescent.
- Edgeworth Close - we received six responses from Edgeworth Close. Five respondents were in support of the proposed CPZ while one was an objection.
We did
We will now consider the response to the statutory consultation and decide on whether to proceed with the proposals. We will write again to the previously consulted residents and respondents to inform them about the outcome once a decision has been made.