Blundell Road, HA8 and the surrounding area informal parking consultation

Read more about this consultation

We asked

We asked for your views on the implementation of parking controls, including the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Blundell Road and neighbouring streets HA8, to address local parking concerns and demand.

You said

We received 99 responses from approximately 900 properties, which equates to an overall response rate of 11%.

87% of the respondents told us that they or their family or visitors always or often experience parking problems near their property during morning, afternoon, and evening on weekdays. They stated that parking problems are mainly caused by commuter parking, multiple car households, or trade vans/trucks.

Overall, 68% of the respondents indicated they are specifically in favour of a Controlled Parking Zone being implemented with 64% preferring an all-day hours of operation.

The response for the days of operation was about equally divided with 32% preferring Monday to Friday while 33% preferred 7 days a week.

We did

Following the informal consultation feedback, we are developing proposals that would help to improve parking situation in Blundell Road and the surrounding area. The proposals will be discussed and agreed with your Ward Members and subject to funding availability, will be progressed to statutory consultation and implementation.

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