We asked, you said, we did - Statutory Consultation

We asked

As part of the statutory process, we asked for your views on our A1000 Barnet High Street Bus Lane proposal. The statutory consultation ran from 28 November 2024 to 19 December 2024.

You said

Approximately 456 letters were sent to local residents and businesses. Notices were also placed on lamp columns throughout the area.

We received 6 objections to the statutory consultation. Objections represent 1.32% of all those sent a letter. The main concerns identified were the following:

  • Increasing congestion (5)
  • Money would be better spent repairing potholes (1)
  • Do not like bus stand and concerns it is dangerous (3)

We did

Following the review of all comments received during both this statutory consultation and the previous public consultation, the Barnet High Street scheme will be made permanent.

The concerns raised have been assessed and addressed below:

  • Traffic Modelling has been undertaken showing that there will be bus journey time benefits from the scheme. The modelling results suggest no significant increase in delays for general traffic.
  • The funding for this scheme is specifically for bus lane improvements however the road will be fully resurfaced and fully paid for by Transport for London.
  • The bus stand by Fitzjohn Avenue is for end of service for the 34 bus. There is no other space around the area for this service to stand. By delivering a bus lane alongside the stand it will be safer than the existing situation.
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This consultation has closed.

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