Waking night support consultation

Read more about this consultation

We asked

We asked for your views on a proposal to end council funding towards waking night support for all tenants at Deborah Lodge, Gadsbury Close and Speedwell House, but to make sure that any individuals with eligible care and support needs will continue to have their needs met. 

You said  

29 people responded to the consultation.

Eight respondents strongly opposed (37.9%), four respondents tended to oppose (13.8%), four strongly supported (13.8%), two tended to support (6.89%), eight neither supported nor opposed (27.6%) and three were not sure or did not know (10.3%)

Of those who opposed, the primary reason given by most respondents was that they found having a waking night service reassuring.

We did

We took all the feedback into consideration, and we decided to end the waking night support service at all three sheltered schemes, to align the council offer with the other sheltered housing schemes in the borough. We have written to all tenants to advise them that if they feel they need additional support can have a Care Needs Assessment by our Adult Social Care Teams, who can tailor support to them individually. They can do this by telephoning Social Care Direct on 020 8359 5000.

Upon the review of all comments, we have provided information to tenants of the three schemes about community services which support residents with:

  • Befriending
  • Digital inclusion
  • Finance
  • Community activities
  • General wellbeing.
  • Digital Care Technology they can source directly themselves.

We have also reminded sheltered housing providers of their obligation to support their tenants, to report any concerns to the council and tell us if they feel individuals need additional support.

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