Transitions from paediatric (children’s) to adult health services

For more information on this consultation please click here

We asked

We asked for your views on transitions from children’s to adult health services, including the information you receive about transition and what matters to you in ensuring a good transition.

The questionnaire ran from the 3rd August – 9th September 2018 with an online questionnaire (anonymous responses) targeted to young people who were approaching or recently gone through transition and their parents/carers. In addition to the questionnaire, two focus group events were held with parents and a young person to discuss transitions, as well as a session at the Barnet Development Team Youth group with young people on information around transitions.

You said

20 responses were received to the questionnaire. Some of the key findings were:

· 50% of respondents strongly disagreed that they/ their child received adequate information about transition to adult health services

· 33% of respondents strongly disagreed that they were clear when they/their child would leave paediatric services

· 75% thought age 14-16 was the right time to receive information about transition

· The top two answers to where respondents would look for information about transitions were don’t know/not sure and their current paediatric healthcare professional.

· 69% rated having a professional who leads on transition who you can contact with any questions as one of the two most important factors.

Please read the full findings in this report.

We did

The responses will be used to inform ongoing actions relating to transitions in health services that are being discussed at a senior level in the Clinical Commissioning Group. These actions and recommendations include:

· Improving process for internal transitions tracking, with a group with representation from health, social care and education, both children’s and adult services to ensure best practice is adhered to in transition and resolve complex cases.

· Improving links between Paediatricians and GPs in transition and the role of GPs in transition, including work to increase uptake of annual health checks for people with learning disabilities over the age of 14.

· Embedding transitions into the commissioning cycle of new services, ensuring that providers have a transition policy and address transitions with young people receiving their service.

· The Local Offer and Preparing for Adulthood protocol are also being updated with more information about transitions.

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