The Queenswell Federation School Street
Read more about this consultation
We asked
We asked for your views on the implementation of a ‘School Street’, which is a controlled pedestrian and cycling zone during school pick up and drop off hours on the following road:
- Sweets Way (between Lovegrove Way to school entrance) and includes Greenside Close
The proposed times are 8.40-9.15am and 2.30-3.30pm Monday to Friday, term time only.
You said
We received 168 responses to this engagement with:
- 49.40% of respondents in support of the measures
- 45.24% of respondents opposed to the measures
- 5.36% of respondents neither support nor opposed.
Further feedback included:
- 21.6% of respondents stating the scheme should be extended either to rest of Sweets Way or to Queens Avenue/Orchard Avenue.
- 4.2% of respondents thought it would negatively impact the private development
- 13.4% of respondents said they thought it would push traffic outside of the zone.
We did
Based on the feedback received and having reviewed the traffic counts and parking stress surveys, officers have decided to make the School Street permanent.
Following feedback and taking into concerns from residents regarding the impact of the School Street, we have also decided to add an additional School Street Zone onto Orchard Avenue and Queens Avenue.