Sustainability Strategy engagement
Read more about this consultation
We asked
We asked for your views on how we address sustainability across Barnet and help shape our strategy for the borough.
You said
162 people attended the 11 workshops throughout March 2022. Eighteen key recommendations were made in the workshops over five themes:
- Homes and buildings
- Transportation
- Green skills, circular economy, and promoting recycling and reuse
- Natural environment and water management
- Council operations
We did
These are now being assessed alongside other actions already identified and will feed into the Climate Action Plan which is due to be published in November 2022. A link to our action plan will be made available when it is published.
We have recently commissioned TPXimpact to work with us on delivering a Citizens' Assembly on Climate Change and Biodiversity. This is another opportunity to have your voice heard on sustainability, more information on how to get involved will be available on Engage Barnet soon.
Since these workshops took place, we have declared a climate and biodiversity emergency and increased the ambition of the council's net zero targets for 2042 as a borough and by 2030 as an organisation. We have also joined London's anti-idling campaign, committing us to improving Barnet's air quality.