Proposal to Expand Childs Hill Primary School
We Asked
We asked how you felt about the proposal to expand Childs Hill Primary School from one and a half to two forms of entry (45 children per year group to 60 children per year group), in order to meet demand for school places in the surrounding area. The proposal explained that the expansion would be gradual, with the first intake of 60 pupils beginning in Reception for September 2016.
You Said
The survey for the school’s expansion showed that four out of six respondents supported the proposal (of which three strongly supported the proposal). A further respondent neither supported nor opposed the proposal, and one respondent strongly opposed the proposal. Two respondents raised concerns around the impact of increased traffic on air quality and parking. The governing body considered the responses and was satisfied that these concerns could be managed, and proceeded to the representation stage, which involved publishing a statutory notice. One representation was received during the representation period from Camden Council, which had no further comments or any objections to the proposed expansion.
We Did
The governing body of the school and the council considered the responses to both the initial consultation and the representation period and is recommending the expansion of Childs Hill Primary School, to come into effect on 1 September 2016. The school is committed to sustainable transport initiatives, securing TfL’s bronze sustainable travel accreditation annually since 2011, and has applied for gold accreditation this year.