Life Chances Strategy consultation
You can read more about this consultation here.
We asked
We asked for your views on our Life Chances Strategy that sets out our approach to how we will work on improving lives and increasing opportunities for young people in Barnet.
You said
We received 21 responses to the online questionnaire. The majority of those responding to the questionnaire agree with all the priorities the council is proposing to focus on for the next four years. Over two thirds of those responding agree with all the priorities identified in the Life Chances Strategy.
We did
In response to the public consultation, an action plan has been developed and structured against key priorities. The plan itself will be monitored by the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board. Regular reports are to be provided by service areas to the Board, which includes young people, to enable scrutiny and to measure progress against objectives. The Life Chances Strategy was approved at the Children, Education and Safeguarding Committee on 11 January 2021.