Leopold Road and Leslie Road, N2 - Proposed Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ)

For more information on this consultation, please click here.

We asked

We asked for your views on the implementation of parking controls, including the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in Leopold Road and Leslie Road, N2 to address local concerns regarding non-residential and inconsiderate parking.

You said

Overall, 88% (130 respondents) were in favour of parking restrictions, 11% (13) objected and 1% (1) did not specify.

37% of residents in Leopold Road responded, with an overwhelming 90% (45 respondents) in favour of the introduction of a CPZ. 10% (5 respondents) objected to the proposal.

54% of residents in Leslie Road responded, and similarly 89% (66 respondents) were in favour of the introduction of a CPZ, 10% (7 respondents) against it and 1% (1 respondent) did not say.

In High Road, only one respondent submitted a response, which was an objection to the CPZ proposal.

We also received five responses from residents within the proposed CPZ area who did not tell us which road they lived in. 80% (4 respondents) were in favour and 20% (1 respondent) were against the proposal.

We did

Based on the feedback received we have made the decision to implement a CPZ in both Leopold Road and Leslie Road N2. However, to address concerns raised, we have made a minor change to the lining in between property numbers 18/20 and 22/24 Leslie Road.

Concern was raised regarding the yellow line extension outside no. 101 and 103 Leslie Road, in particular, that delivery drivers currently park on the existing section of double yellow line for prolonged periods of time (when loading and unloading) with the engine running, from 6am-11pm resulting in noise disturbance. Respondents felt that the Double Yellow Line (DYL) extension would further encourage this activity.

Whilst we acknowledge the issue raised, the council’s primary concern is to ensure that formalised parking bays are only provided in suitable locations and which make necessary improvements to traffic flow and visibility, which if often achieved using DYL’s which are “no waiting at any time” restrictions.

Concerns were also expressed regarding the financial inconvenience of the CPZ. In response, it should be noted that charging is consistent across the borough, like many authorities nationwide, in line with Council Policy. Any income received from permits contributes towards the enforcement of the CPZ’s in the borough.

Understanding that parking occurs on a regular and frequent basis (during the working day), it is considered that a 1-hour time restriction between 2pm-3pm will deter a sufficient number of non-residents and in turn increase the amount of parking opportunities for residents and their visitors. This controlled time is also consistent with the roads in the adjacent East Finchley CPZ that also operates from Monday - Friday 2pm-3pm.

Works to introduce signs and road markings will commence shortly with the CPZ coming into operation on Friday 3 April 2020.

You can find details on how CPZs operate, charges and what other permits are available, on the council’s website. If you would like to apply for these or any other type of permit, you can apply online at www.barnet.gov.uk/parking or contact the council’s Parking Permit Team on 020 8359 7446. For those wishing to apply online, please select the following start date: 3 April 2020 to ensure you receive a full 12-month annual permit. It is recommended that applications for permits and/or vouchers are submitted as soon as possible so that the Parking Permit Team can process the application before the CPZ comes into operation.

You can read the full results of the consultation here.

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