Hendon Park additional play equipment consultation
Read more about this consultation
We asked
We asked for your views on the additional play equipment proposed for Hendon Park.
You said
We received 108 responses to the online questionnaire; we received one direct email and we spoke to 54 people at the event we ran in the park. The key themes from the public consultation were:
- the majority of respondents would like the new equipment located as close to the existing equipment as possible
- the majority of respondents liked the equipment proposed
- we received some comments about the poor paths and surfacing in the existing playground.
We did
The order has been placed for the new equipment, and this will be installed in Autumn 2023. The equipment will be located near to the existing playground.
The two pieces of equipment will be connected with surfacing, and we will be looking at how we can connect them to existing surfacing in the park.
This project and the agreed funding is for the new equipment only. Any surfacing work in the existing playground would be a separate project, which would require funding.