Fairer Contributions Policy 2020 consultation

You can read more about this consultation here.

We asked

We asked for your views on proposals to changes to our Fairer Contributions charges.

You said

A total of 55 responses were received – 12 questionnaires were completed online and 43 paper questionnaires. Just over three quarters of respondents disagreed that introducing a charge for only those who use the service was fair. Four fifths of respondents opposed the introduction of an annual subscription. Of those that responded, almost a third of respondents (29%) said they would prefer to see an increase in Council Tax rather than a charge introduced.

38% of respondents said they currently use the service would continue to use it if a charge was introduced, and this is a relatively positive level of response compared with the take up rates seen in other London boroughs.

The majority of respondents who said they would consider using a chargeable service would be able to sign up online.

We did

The Adults and Safeguarding Committee agreed the proposed changes to the Fairer Contributions Policy Charges to take effect from 1 April 2020 – 31 March 2021

Regarding the increase in the Homecare rate – as a result of the consultation rates were increased from April 2021. We wrote to all clients in advance of increasing the charge to explain the new rate and confirm the date it would become effective. Notification letters were sent out to all clients in receipt of a chargeable service in March 2021, as part of the annual review in line with benefit increases, these letters detail how contributions are calculated and confirm how to appeal if appropriate.

We decided to delay the implementation of the one-off £300 charge until our Policy is updated and we have a system in place, with work scheduled to begin July 2021

You can read the full consultation results here.

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