East Finchley informal parking engagement
Read more about this engagement
We asked
We asked for your views on the implementation of parking controls, including the introduction of a Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) in East Finchley, to address local parking concerns and demand.
You said
A total of 434 responses were received.
The analysis indicated that whilst 316 (72%) of the 434 total respondents did not provide a positive response to supporting a CPZ, 93 (29%) of the 316 confirmed that they suffer from parking issues in their roads.
Overall, 22%, of respondents specifically confirmed their support, and it is felt that the further 29% who are experiencing issues would benefit from parking controls. Taking this into account would mean that a total of 51% of respondents’ concerns would be resolved with the implementation of a CPZ.
Residents consulted had stated that commuter/non-residential parking was the biggest factor to the issues they were facing. The other main issues mentioned includes dangerous and obstructive parking reported on junctions and other requests for parking restrictions to improve road safety.
We did
Following the informal consultation feedback, we are developing proposals that would help to improve parking situation in East Finchley and the surrounding area.
The proposals will be discussed and agreed with your Ward Members and, subject to funding availability, will be progressed to statutory consultation and implementation.