Disabled Persons Freedom Pass Consultation
We Asked
We asked for your views on the evidence we proposed to accept to support a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass application and the ways you can apply for a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass.
You Said
We considered 376 responses received from a mix of service users, residents of Barnet and statutory stakeholders and people who work with service users including:
- Disabled Persons Freedom Pass holders
- older Persons Freedom Pass holders
- residents interested in applying for a Freedom Pass
- relatives of Disabled Persons Freedom Pass holders
- those whose job involves working with Freedom Pass users in Barnet
- Barnet residents interested in Disabled Persons Freedom Passes
- voluntary/community organisations
- public sector organisations
73% of respondents (238 out of 376) advised they currently hold a Disabled Persons Freedom Pass.
Overall, 53% of the respondents agreed with the changes to the accepted criteria.
We Did
At the Policy and Resources meeting on 1 December 2016 it was agreed to adopt the new criteria for assessing eligibility for Disabled Persons Freedom Pass applicants.
In response to requests for GP letters to be accepted as evidence, this is adopted within the criteria where it is deemed appropriate by the Department for Transport. In some categories this cannot be accepted as evidence because of the risk of compromising the doctor/patient relationship.
Full details of the December committee report (item 12) can be found here.