School Admission Arrangements for 2018/2019 consultation
Feedback Updated 27 February 2017
We asked
We asked for your views on proposed changes to oversubscription criteria for admission to community infant and primary school reception classes.
You said
There were 124 survey responses to the first proposal to give priority to children of teaching staff in the oversubscription criteria. 101 respondents agreed or strongly agreed to the proposal, representing 81%. Four disagreed and 12 strongly disagreed representing 13%.
For the second proposal, on amending the oversubscription priority for former pupils, there were 103 responses. Of these, 69 agreed or strongly agreed (67%) and 15 disagreed or strongly disagreed (15%).
We did
The results of the consultation were discussed at the Children, Education, Libraries and Safeguarding Committee on 21 February.
Proposal 1
Given the support by 81% of respondents for the request by Barnet community schools to address an increasing recruitment and retention issue by offering priority for children of staff, the committee recommended that Barnet adopts this proposal.
Proposal 2
Given the pressure on school places and balancing the needs of former pupils with those children who may be awarded a school place under other priority categories (such as distance), the committee recommended to adopt the amended criteria.