Connecting Colindale - Area A

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We asked

We asked for your views on six scheme proposals within Area A. We asked for whether residents thought that the schemes would improve public spaces and improve active routes around Area A

You Said

We received 29 responses to this engagement.

A1. Improved walking routes: Bristol Avenue to Blundell Road and Lanacre Avenue

  • 83% of respondents agreed that this would improve public spaces and improve active routes around Area A
  • Important to consider safety for those using the park at night linking to Colindale Station
  • Improved surfacing, lighting and landscaping will be welcome.

A2. Watford Way pedestrian connection

  • 66% of respondents agreed that this would improve public spaces and improve active routes around Area A
  • Route may be potentially longer than on Aerodrome Rd
  • Is there CCTV proposed in underpass?
  • Poor quality of pedestrian footways in the area

A3. Booth Road traffic calming

  • 72% of respondents agreed that this would improve public spaces and improve active routes around Area A
  • Suggest extending 20mph on all of North and south Colindale
  • Booth Road is not too busy and doesn’t require traffic calming which may displace traffic to nearby streets.
  • Traffic calming will not be observed by drivers

A4. Heybourne Park to Montrose Park Walk

  • 72 % of respondents agreed that this would improve public spaces and improve active routes around Area A
  • Potential Issues with antisocial behaviour in Montrose Park if linked to Heybourne Park

A5. Walking and cycling link to Mill Hill Broadway (East - West)

  • 55% of respondents agreed that this would improve public spaces and improve active routes around Area A
  • High levels of traffic on Bunns Lane
  • Step-free access at Mill Hill Broadway Station required
  • Consider direct bus services from Colindale to Mill Hill Broadway.

A6. Walking and Cycling link to Mill Hill Broadway (North-South)

  • 52 % of respondents agreed that this would improve public spaces and improve active routes around Area A

We did

A1. Improved walking routes: Bristol Avenue to Blundell Road and Lanacre Avenue

  • Existing lighting to be upgraded where appropriate subject to funding
  • Footways will be resurfaced, and landscape features introduced to improve drainage and make the route pleasant.

A2. Watford Way pedestrian connection

  • The proposal will improve an existing link which feels isolated and overlooked.
  • CCTV and lighting will be investigated in the subway subject to funding
  • Footway Improvements and trimming of overgrown hedges proposed outside subways.

A3. Booth Road traffic calming

  • The introduction of an area-wide 20mph speed limit is outside the scope of this project.
  • Booth Road serves as an alternative route for the A5 although it is a residential street. Traffic surveys indicate that Booth Road receives about 5,000 vehicles a day.
  • We will provide suitable traffic calming features with appropriate spacing that will encourage compliance.

A4. Heybourne Park to Montrose Park Walk

  • We will trim back overgrown hedges and upgrade lighting to improve personal safety.

A5. Walking and cycling link to Mill Hill Broadway (East - West)

  • We will widen footways on Bunns Lane to provide a shared use facility for pedestrians and cyclists
  • Works within the station is outside the scope of this project.
  • Bus services are managed by Transport for London who have been consulted on the proposals.
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