Clitterhouse Playing Fields phase 2 consultation
Read more about this consultation.
We asked
We asked you what you thought about the new designs for Clitterhouse Playing Fields, which is due to be regenerated through the Brent Cross Town development. We shared how we had responded to your comments from our first round of consultation in October 2021, such as the inclusion of a café and changing facilities within the pavilion. Through the consultation we also asked you about what kind of things would support and encourage you in participating in sport and physical activity more often.
We asked you
- how you use the playing fields and whether providing new facilities for sports, play and wellbeing would represent an improvement to what exists at the moment
- what facilities you would use, such as an all-wheel park, basketball courts, and all-weather pitches for football, and hockey
- we asked you whether you liked the design of the playing fields, and how we could make it more accessible for all members of the community
- we asked you about the landscape and ecology of the playing fields.
- we asked you how you would like dogs to use the playing fields
You said
You told us that you liked the updated proposals for Clitterhouse Playing Fields. The type of activities which you supported included the outdoor gym, playgrounds, wildflower areas, café, and seating/picnic areas. You were supportive of the inclusion of space for community events to be held in such as the amphitheatre, as well as the continuation of existing community activities. You were supportive of the mix of facilities for wellbeing, sport, physical activity, and play, to ensure that people can relax in open spaces as well as engage in sport.
You shared views about how the park would operate once open, referencing safety and security, maintenance, and the affordability of using the facilities proposed for sports and play. From this feedback it was clear that affordability and accessibility were important to respondents, ensuring Clitterhouse Playing Fields is a place which is suitable for people of all ages, ability, and interests.
We did
We have taken on board your feedback and developed the final designs for the playing fields which consider comments from both our first and second rounds of consultation. We look forward to sharing these proposals with you and expand on how we are ensuring the playing fields can be safe, well-maintained, and affordable at our public consultation in Summer 2022.