Childs Hill Primary School Street

Read more about this engagement

We asked

We asked for your views on the live ‘School Street’ which is a controlled pedestrian and cycling zone during school pick up and drop off hours on the following roads:

  • Dersingham Road between Cricklewood Lane and Somerton Road

  • Whole of Caddington Road

The proposed times are 8.15-9.15am and 3.00-4.00pm Monday to Friday, term time only.

You said

We received 130 responses to this engagement. This included 51 pupil / parent responses, 47 through Engage Barnet responses and 32 responses via email:

  • 45.38% of respondents supported the measures.

  • 34.62% of respondents opposed the measures.

  • 10% of respondents neither support nor opposed.

  • 10% of respondents was general questions and enquiries.

Only adult responses were analysed in terms of themes. This showed:

  • 30% of respondents stated it impacted parking in the surrounding area.

  • 19% of respondents stated it pushes congestion and traffic onto neighbouring roads.

  • 22% of respondents stated it made the area much quieter and safer.

We did

Based on the feedback received and having reviewed the traffic counts and parking stress surveys, officers have decided to make the School Street permanent. We will also look to make pre-warning signage larger and consider further parking restrictions at key junctions in the area.

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