Burnt Oak North (BON) - Experimental Controlled Parking Zone Extension
Read more about this engagement
We asked
We asked for your views on our minor amendments to the Burnt Oak North (BON) Controlled Parking Zone (HA8) in order to address local parking concerns.
You said
We received 13 responses from approximately 3344 properties, which equates to an overall response rate less than 1%. As the changes made were minor in its capacity, this level of response was anticipated.
2 respondents objected to the minor amendments directly. 11 respondents either sent an enquiry, objected to the scheme as a whole or responded to the update emails that were sent relating to measures that were previously implemented.
We did
Based on the feedback received we will be making the minor amendments permanent on 24 February 2025.
The minor experimental amendments being made permanent are:
- existing shared use bays in Orange Hill Road, Deansbrook Road, Watling Avenue, Grange Road and Fortescue Road changed from ‘Resident permit holders and Pay by Phone’ to ‘Permit holders and Pay by Phone’.
- shared use bay outside no. 35 Abbots Road.
- single yellow line within a parking bay in Orange Hill Road, which operates between 8am to 9.30am and 3pm to 4.30pm
- loading bay (Mon-Fri 8am-6.30pm) in Deansbrook Road outside the parade of shops
- double yellow lines and inclusion of North Road Estate and Brearley Close into the BON CPZ.
The proposed double yellow lines in Market Lane have not been implemented, however this will be reviewed at a later date.
We have written to residents detailing the outcome of this consultation. You can read this letter here.