Budget consultation 2022/23
Read more about this consultation.
We asked
We asked for your views on our budget proposals for 2022/23.
You said
There were 81 respondents to the consultation. 54% either directly supported the budget proposals (33%) or were neutral (21%). Out of the 81 respondents, 48 responded on the proposed Council Tax increase for 2021/22. Overall, just under half of respondents (46%, 30 out of 81 respondents) support both an increase in general Council Tax (either 1% or up to 1.99%) and the proposal to apply a further 1% Adult Social Care Precept increase.
You can read the full results of the consultation here.
We did
The findings from the consultation were reported to Policy and Resources Committee on 9 February 2022 and will the 2022/23 budget was approved by Full Council on 1 March 2022.