Brent Cross Town Plot 1 consultation: The first new offices and higher education facilities

Read more about this consultation.

We asked

We asked you what you thought about the new designs for Plot 1, the first office-led development being delivered in Brent Cross Town. This new building is situated adjacent to the new Brent Cross West Station which is expected to be completed in the new year and will provide a connection to central London in 12 minutes.

We asked you

  • whether you like the design of the exterior of Plot 1, as well as the internal layout.
  • whether you were supportive of a rooftop space, along with seating for the building’s occupiers.
  • if you were in favour of the use of sustainable building techniques such as Cross Laminated Timber (CLT) to reduce carbon emissions associated with building this development.
  • if you were supportive of the inclusion of cycle storage and shower facilities to encourage active travel.

You said

You told us that you were supportive of the inclusion of rooftop space, as well as the inclusion of greenery and seating space within this. You liked the proposals inclusion of cycle storage and shower facilities to encourage active travel. You were supportive of the reduction of energy usage by making use of natural daylight. You asked how we were incorporating natural materials within the building and integrating more greenery within the external design of the building. You shared some concern about the exterior design of Plot 1 but were overall supportive of the proposals for Plot 1 at Brent Cross Town.

We did

We have taken on board your feedback and developed the final designs for Plot 1. This included incorporating multiple terraces which provide external amenities at different levels. We have also made the timber on the structure fully visible through exposed ceilings on every office floor, creating a warm and natural environment for the building’s users.

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