Brent Cross Plot 22's new retirement village consultation

Read more about this consultation

We asked

We asked for your views on Brent Cross Town Plot 22, and the road adjacent to it, to support two Reserved Matters Planning Applications submitted to Barnet Council.

Over 4,300 newsletters were distributed to local residents, supplemented by 10 hours of public information events. The project's website garnered 200 views, and two event pages were created on social media.

You said

Throughout the consultation period, 36 feedback forms were received.

  • the overall feedback was positive, with significant support for the proposed Integrated Retirement Community
  • the consultation revealed strong support for the retail parade units, with 69% of respondents agreeing with the approach and praising the design
  • 82% of respondents support the concept of specialist housing for older people in the heart of BXT, and 77% believed the Plot 22 design would be a positive addition to the area.

We did

In response to the feedback received, several changes have been made to the application, including adjustments to the brick colour at the café corner as a direct result of community comments.

The Reserved Matters applications also seek flexibility in ground floor uses, which means that the spaces will accommodate most of the shops and services suggested in the feedback, as well as a variety of other options. Further detailed information on all matters raised during the consultation is available in the Statement of Community Involvement submitted as part of the Planning Application.

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