Bittacy Hill Park – play equipment consultation
Read more about this consultation
We asked
We asked for your views on the proposed refurbishment of the playground at Bittacy Hill Park.
You said
We received 75 responses to the online questionnaire, we spoke to 19 people at the two events we ran in the park and received a submission from the 16th Hendon Scouts Group who provided the council with drawings and comments. A submission was also received from the Hendon Beavers Group containing comments and feedback.
The key themes from the public consultation were:
- request to swap the spinner
- request for improved and more engaging flooring features
- lots of positive comments were received on the design and on the Councils commitment to update and refurbish the playground
- that a good balance of equipment be available for mixed ages
- the location of the goals would be better suited near to the tennis courts.
We did
We considered all the feedback and respond to the comments as follows:
- the spinner bowl has been replaced with a horse springer
- the flooring was considered, and we have added graphics to the floor, to make it more interesting
- we believe that we have a good mix of equipment for all ages
- the football goals will be installed near to the Tennis Courts, subject to discussion with the council’s contractor.
This project and the agreed funding are for the playground and football goals only. A separate project is taking place to install a new path and entrance to the park.
The order has been placed for the new equipment and work is expected to commence in spring 2024.