Air Quality Action Plan 2023 - 2028 consultation

Read more about this consultation

We asked

We asked for your views on the draft Air Quality Action Plan for 2023 - 2028, in particular, your views on the actions and strategies proposed within the action plan.

You said

A total of 111 questionnaires were completed, the majority of which were from residents.

Eight written responses were also received via email from individuals and interest groups.

The majority of respondents agree that poor air quality is an important issue within Barnet. The topics most important to people, or most often commented on, included the improvement of health and wellbeing, the reduction of pollution from traffic, and construction and development. Of particular concern was the health and wellbeing of vulnerable populations; elderly, children, those with chronic illnesses and the air quality impacts of busy roads (A-roads, motorways, high streets).

Respondents generally expressed that they see air quality as an issue which affects many areas of their lives. Overall, the majority of respondents agreed with the council’s plan to target particular sources of air pollution within the new Air Quality Action Plan, and the methods proposed to do so.

We did

Feedback from this consultation informed the final version of the new Air Quality Action Plan 2023 - 2028. The final version of the plan will be approved by the Greater London Authority, and then approved by representative Councillors.

The Action Plan will be published this Summer on the council’s website.

The Action Plan is a working document and will be updated yearly with the Air Quality Annual Status Report.

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