We asked, you said, we did

We asked

We asked for views from residents and businesses in Burnt Oak and Colindale on our proposals to introduce traffic measures in Booth Road and The Greenway which are aimed to help reduce vehicles taking short cuts through these roads. We wrote to 5,000 properties in Burnt Oak and Colindale as part of the consultation and held a public meeting.

You said

We received 1163 Responses to the consultation which included comments, statements, petitions and objections to the scheme. We have compiled a consultation report analysing and detailing the responses and have carefully considered all the responses received.

We did

Given the significant level of objections to the scheme the Director for the Environment has decided that the proposals will not proceed and that instead we will engage in a dialogue with residents and road users to better understand the situation and what if any, measures they consider would best solve the existing issues in these two locations. We will seek to devise new proposals which will reflect the wishes of the community. You can view the responses in the consultation report.

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This consultation has now closed.

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