High Street, Barnet – Proposed Pedestrian Improvements

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This consultation has now closed.

The council is currently analysing the results. All the responses from the consultation will be taken into account and the council will publish the findings here. We will also let you know how we are acting on the results of the consultation under ‘We asked, You said We Did.’


We are proposing to introduce new measures in and around Barnet High Street to create a safer environment for all road users and to enhance the road’s aesthetics. The proposal aims to increase pedestrian safety and increase the visibility of adjoining junctions at Union Street and Salisbury Road. In addition

The council is currently analysing the results. All the responses from the consultation will be taken into account and the council will publish the findings here. We will also let you know how we are acting on the results of the consultation under ‘We asked, You said We Did.’


We are proposing to introduce new measures in and around Barnet High Street to create a safer environment for all road users and to enhance the road’s aesthetics. The proposal aims to increase pedestrian safety and increase the visibility of adjoining junctions at Union Street and Salisbury Road. In addition, it is expected that this will help traffic flow in the area.

The proposal incorporates the following measures:

  • Removing much of the parking along the western side of the High street, and widening the pedestrian footway to provide a safer and more enjoyable shopping experience.
  • Upgrade of existing pedestrian crossings, with the added advantage of a shorter crossing width. This should also reduce queuing times at the crossing for motorists.
  • Introduction of trees to both enhance the area and also have a beneficial effect on the air quality.
  • Introduction of cycle stands to allow for safe cycle parking, and to promote sustainable transport. Benches are proposed to encourage people to stop in the area and enjoy the ambience of the rejuvenated High Street. New waste bins are also proposed to promote a litter-free

Why we are consulting

Your views and opinions are important to us and will help us to make the right decisions.

This consultation has now closed.
  • We Asked, You Said, We Did

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    We asked

    To introduce new measures in and around Barnet High Street to create a safer environment for all road users and to enhance the road’s aesthetics. The proposal aimed to increase pedestrian safety and increase the visibility of adjoining junctions at Union Street and Salisbury Road. In addition, it was expected that this will help traffic flow in the area.

    You said

    Although there was support in principle for the improvement scheme, it was agreed that there was a need to review certain elements, in particular, the proposed re-positioning of the loading bays away from the High Street and the loss of on-street parking bays near to the shops.

    We did

    On 4 July 2017 Council officers, Ward Councillors, the Chipping Barnet Town Team, Barnet Society, Love Barnet, Union Street Residents Association, Barnet Residents Association and the Traders Association met to discuss the consultation outcome and gain stakeholder views.

    The full results of the informal consultation (including all stakeholder views) were presented to the Chipping Barnet Area Committee in February 2018. The committee approved the revised scheme and asked this scheme be progressed to a detailed design and public consultation.