We Asked, You Said, We Did

We asked

To introduce new measures in and around Barnet High Street to create a safer environment for all road users and to enhance the road’s aesthetics. The proposal aimed to increase pedestrian safety and increase the visibility of adjoining junctions at Union Street and Salisbury Road. In addition, it was expected that this will help traffic flow in the area.

You said

Although there was support in principle for the improvement scheme, it was agreed that there was a need to review certain elements, in particular, the proposed re-positioning of the loading bays away from the High Street and the loss of on-street parking bays near to the shops.

We did

On 4 July 2017 Council officers, Ward Councillors, the Chipping Barnet Town Team, Barnet Society, Love Barnet, Union Street Residents Association, Barnet Residents Association and the Traders Association met to discuss the consultation outcome and gain stakeholder views.

The full results of the informal consultation (including all stakeholder views) were presented to the Chipping Barnet Area Committee in February 2018. The committee approved the revised scheme and asked this scheme be progressed to a detailed design and public consultation.

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