Health Visitor Service
Consultation has concluded
The Public Health 0 – 19 nursing services comprises of universal children’s services health visiting, school nursing and Family Nurse Partnerships (an under 20 first time parent support service). All the services deliver the national Healthy Child Programme 0 – 19 to children and their families within Barnet.
The London of Barnet public health commissioners for Healthy Child Programme 0-19 are in the process of reviewing these services and welcome your thoughts and experiences. This review will be carried out by a series of questionnaires over the next few months which will be used to gather feedback from all our different stakeholders. The first stage of this service review is the Health Visitor Service and we are looking for feedback from residents who use the Health Visitors Service. In particular we are seeking your views on:
your experience of the service;
- what you like and value about the service;
- what changes, if any, you would like made to the service; and
- your experiences of multi-agency working and whether you find found it helpful or not.
The information you give the service commissioners will be used help us improve the service.
Give us your feedback
Please take the time to give us your views on the Health Visitor service by completing the online questionnaire. Printed copies of the questionnaire are also available for health visitors. Consultations regarding school nurses and family nurses will also be launched in the near future.
For any further information, or to request a questionnaire in an alternative format, please email Xiaoyun Li at . Alternatively, you can write to us at The Childrens Joint Commissioning Unit, Building 2, London Borough of Barnet, North London Business Park, Oakleigh Road South, London, N11 1NP.
As part of this review we are seeking the views of professionals who refer or are referred to by the service. If you are professional who has links with the service please contact Xiaoyun Li at and we will send you a link to your questionnaire.