In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors and customers. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ).
What we are proposing
Since the introduction of the Woodside Park CPZ, the council has received feedback from the public concerning the zone’s operation. We are now giving the wider area an opportunity to have a say in how the CPZ is working for you. This is your opportunity to let us know what improvements can be made.
We are also proposingContinue reading
In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors and customers. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ).
What we are proposing
Since the introduction of the Woodside Park CPZ, the council has received feedback from the public concerning the zone’s operation. We are now giving the wider area an opportunity to have a say in how the CPZ is working for you. This is your opportunity to let us know what improvements can be made.
We are also proposing to extend the existing CPZ to include roads to the west of Woodside Park Station.
This informal consultation is intended to give the council a clearer understanding of the parking issues in the existing CPZ area and the area where we are proposing to expand the existing CPZ. We have also engaged services of an external agency to carry out parking stress surveys on the roads in the area. These help to determine whether any changes may be made to increase parking opportunities for residents and businesses, improve accessibility and to enhance road safety. The changes could also help to promote use of sustainable travel modes by reducing the need to use a car when making journeys such as to the shops, school or to work.
The introduction of parking controls often results in displacement, where drivers park their vehicles in the neighbouring streets with no parking controls. We therefore consult a wider area other than that currently known to be experiencing parking difficulties.
We have provided more information below:
Your views are important to us
Your views are important to us and will help inform what parking controls we may need to implement in the local area to help improve parking for local residents, businesses or other organisations.
We have written to all the properties in the consultation area, informing them of the consultation and how they can have their say.
We want to hear your views regarding the parking and traffic situation on your road. In particular we want to hear from residents, tenants, landlords, managing or letting agents, organisations, businesses, and all other interested parties.
How to have your say:
Complete our online questionnaire
If you live, have a business or have an organisation within the consultation area please have your say by say by completing our online questionnaire below.
If you would like to request a paper questionnaire or another format, please:
- email parking.consultations@barnet.gov.uk
- telephone the Traffic and Development Section on 020 8359 3555
- write to us at Traffic and Development Section, London Borough of Barnet, 7th Floor, Highways, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London, NW9 4EW.
If you would like someone to help you complete the questionnaire or need more information, please contact us using one of the above methods.
What happens after the consultation closes?
All the responses will be analysed, and the outcome will help us determine what action needs to be taken to address areas of concern. We will publish the results of the consultation, our decision and how we are acting on the results of the consultation on this web page in October 2023.