Transport Strategy engagement 2024 - Phase 2

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Have your say on a new Transport Strategy for Barnet


Barnet’s population is growing and by 2030 it will have grown to almost 450,000 people, with a significant increase in the older population. We want to ensure that transport in the borough can support this growth and provides a reliable, safe and convenient transport network which supports improvements to air quality and the health of all of our residents, and that it aligns to our Net-Zero targets.

There is also limited road space in the borough and with the projected population growth, congestion can only be addressed by reducing

Have your say on a new Transport Strategy for Barnet


Barnet’s population is growing and by 2030 it will have grown to almost 450,000 people, with a significant increase in the older population. We want to ensure that transport in the borough can support this growth and provides a reliable, safe and convenient transport network which supports improvements to air quality and the health of all of our residents, and that it aligns to our Net-Zero targets.

There is also limited road space in the borough and with the projected population growth, congestion can only be addressed by reducing our reliance on the car and encouraging more sustainable and active ways to travel such as walking, cycling and public transport.

To help address these issues we are developing a new Transport Strategy to provide residents and visitors who travel, within and through the borough, with safe, sustainable and convenient travel options. In particular, the strategy will look to:

  • contribute to meeting Barnet’s Net Zero goals
  • give everyone real choices about how to get where they need to be safely, conveniently, and sustainably, whether it be by active (walking/wheeling, cycling), public, or private transport
  • improve public health and safety by promoting active travel, reducing air pollution caused by transport emissions and eliminating deaths and serious injuries on Barnet’s roads
  • make journeys easier by linking up different ways of travelling, such as buses, tubes and trains, walking and cycling
  • ensure that Barnet is a great place to live, work, study, do business – and enjoy - in a network of accessible and successful places
  • work with the Mayor of London, TfL, neighbouring boroughs and others to deliver our priorities.

The strategy will be supported with a detailed Action Plan. This will set out what we intend to do and who we will work with to deliver on our policies. The Strategy and Action Plan will inform all our partners what the council intends to do, why, and how – and provide the basis for discussions about funding and powers to help us deliver the strategy.

We aim to work with residents, businesses, voluntary sector organisations, neighbouring boroughs and the range of agencies with a role to play in delivering our transport priorities to develop a strategy that enhances the transport landscape across the borough.

Why are we doing this now?

Our Plan for Barnet 2023-2026 has introduced new priorities that have a direct impact on transport in the borough. For example, our ambitions for achieving net zero, creating safe and attractive neighbourhoods, and tackling inequalities, among other goals, all have a direct impact on transport in Barnet. It is also clear that travel patterns in Barnet have changed since the pandemic and that we will need to respond to new policies and initiatives from the Mayor of London and national government.

We want to ensure that we have an up to date, action-oriented transport strategy that aligns with Our Plan for Barnet 2023 – 2026 and can play a key role in fulfilling our transport ambitions and priorities.

What have we done so far?

To help us develop our strategy we have already run a series of residents face to face workshop to help us understand residents experiences of traveling around the borough, and also test some proposals we may include want to include in the new strategy.

We have also commissioned a research study to further understand the transport landscape in Barnet.

Who do we want to engage with now?

We are now at the stage where we want to involve the wider community, and we are keen to hear from all our residents, business, visitors, and anyone who studies in the borough; as well as community and voluntary groups and our partners

We want to hear your thoughts on a variety of aspects surrounding transport in Barnet. The results will help shape our new Transport Strategy.

How to have your say

You can have your say by completing our Transport Strategy Questionnaire. The questionnaire has been informed by our resident workshops.

If you would like to request a questionnaire in an alternative format:

  • please email
  • alternatively, you can write to us at: London Borough of Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW

What happens after the engagement closes

Your responses will help develop our strategy. Once we have drafted our strategy we will take to Cabinet to seek their approval to consult on the strategy, and then consult with the wider community on the draft strategy before final sign off of the draft strategy.