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We asked
Barnet Councillors asked the local community to put forward suggestions for topics that could be considered in scrutiny committees and by task and finish groups over the year ahead.
You said
We received a total of 51 responses.
There were a wide range of topics suggested including environmental issues, health services, and road and traffic concerns.
We did
The topics were collated by the Scrutiny Team who undertook further research to determine if they were suitable for a report to a committee or a task and finish group review, and if outcomes and improvements to services were likely to be achieved by scrutinising the issue.
A long list of all the topics were considered by scrutiny councillors at a special session on work programming with a trainer from the Centre for Governance and Scrutiny. This enabled the long list of topics to be shortlisted.
A further meeting to refine the suggested topics held with the Chair and Vice Chair of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee.
The committee/sub-committee work programmes and task and finish group topics were agreed at the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Committee on 4th June 2024 Details of the shortlisting process and agreed subjects can be reviewed here: Agenda item - Overview and Scrutiny Work Programmes 2024-25 ( At this meeting local councillors expressed their thanks to all local residents and community groups who had responded to their request for topics.
The work programmes 2024-25 for the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, and the Adults and Health and Children and Education Sub-Committees can be here: Browse Committee Work Programmes (