Sustainable Drainage Strategy (SuDs) Consultation

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This consultation has now closed.


We are currently developing a new Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) strategy. Sustainable drainage systems aim to manage surface water in local areas, closest to the source where generated and are a natural alternative to traditional drainage networks like pipes and sewers. They encourage urban greening and the utilisation of more permeable surfaces to:

This is important as flood risk within Barnet is expected to increase with rapid urbanisation, unprecedented population growth, and evident impacts of climate change.

In January 2023, the Government announced a new approach to sustainable drainage which included the proposed enactment of Schedule 3 of


We are currently developing a new Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) strategy. Sustainable drainage systems aim to manage surface water in local areas, closest to the source where generated and are a natural alternative to traditional drainage networks like pipes and sewers. They encourage urban greening and the utilisation of more permeable surfaces to:

This is important as flood risk within Barnet is expected to increase with rapid urbanisation, unprecedented population growth, and evident impacts of climate change.

In January 2023, the Government announced a new approach to sustainable drainage which included the proposed enactment of Schedule 3 of The Flood and Water Management Act 2010.

As Lead Local Flood Authority (LLFA), the London Borough of Barnet would be required to set up a Sustainable Drainage Strategy (SuDS) Approval Body (SAB) under Schedule 3 of The Flood and Water Management Act 2010. The role of the SAB would be to ensure that a consistent approach to Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDs) is incorporated into new developments.

What we are proposing

Barnet’s need for a robust SuDs strategy to manage flood risk and increase the community’s flood resilience has never been greater.

The proposed Barnet Sustainable Drainage Strategy seeks to encourage the delivery of SuDS within public and private developments borough wide. The strategy aligns with Barnet Corporate Plan 2023 to 2026, Barnet’s Sustainability Strategy and the recently published Local Flood Risk Management Strategy.

The strategy aims to release technical guidance for delivery of SuDs in the borough and should be used by internal council teams and developers. Moreover, it sets out a long-term programme for delivery of SuDS on Barnet’s highway network. These highway SuDS opportunities are presented on Barnet Highway SuDS opportunity mapping.

The full proposed strategy can be read here:

Your views are important to us

We want to hear your views on our proposals.

Please take your time to read our proposed Barnet Sustainable Drainage Strategy before answering our online questionnaire.

How to have your say:

Complete our online questionnaire

Please have your say by completing our online questionnaire.

If you would like to request a paper questionnaire or another format, please:

  • email
  • telephone 020 8359 3555.
  • write to us at Lead Local Flood Authority Team, London Borough of Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, NW9 4EW.

What happens after the consultation closes?

The council will use the consultation findings to inform our final decision. We will publish the results of the consultation, our decision and how we are acting on the results of the consultation on this web page during May 2024.