South Mead / Corner Mead NW9 – proposed parking spaces in Colindale CPZ (CL2) consultation

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This consultation has now closed.


In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors and customers. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ).

What we are proposing

We are proposing to convert the land at the corner of South Mead / Corner Mead into parking bays. This land was formerly occupied by garages. This will provide more parking spaces for residents in the area.

The new parking spaces will be included within the existing Colindale Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ code CL2). Residents with CL2 permits


In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors and customers. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ).

What we are proposing

We are proposing to convert the land at the corner of South Mead / Corner Mead into parking bays. This land was formerly occupied by garages. This will provide more parking spaces for residents in the area.

The new parking spaces will be included within the existing Colindale Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ code CL2). Residents with CL2 permits and visitor vouchers will be eligible to park in the new parking areas during the hours of the CPZ operation which are Monday to Friday, 9am to 4pm.

You can view the layout plan of the proposed parking area below:

The new scheme will be introduced on an experimental basis for a maximum of 18 months and will become operational from 22 July 2024.

Your views are important to us

We want to hear your views on our proposals. We want to hear from residents, tenants, landlords, managing or letting agents, organisations, businesses and all other interested parties.

We welcome any views that you may have regarding the operations of the new parking areas during the first six months of its operation which will constitute statutory consultation.

We have written to all properties in the roads affected by the measures explaining our proposals in full and inviting them to take part in this consultation. You can view the letter sent out here. If you live in the area and have not received a letter, please contact us using the contact details below, quoting reference number SCR577.

Public notices will also be published in the local papers and The London Gazette on 11 July 2024 and similar copies of the notice will be displayed on the nearby streets.

How to have your say:

If you wish to make any comments or objections regarding the above scheme, please contact us, quoting reference number SCR577, by:

  • emailing
  • telephoning 020 8359 3555
  • writing to: Parking Design Team, Highways, L B Barnet, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London, NW9 4EW
  • visiting the council’s parking consultation website, Barnet TraffWeb, via

If you would like someone to help you complete the questionnaire or need more information, please contact us using one of the above methods.

The closing date for submitting your views on the experimental scheme measures is 23 January 2025.

What happens after the consultation closes?

The council will use the consultation findings to inform our final decision. We will publish the results of the consultation, our decision and how we are acting on the results of the consultation by letter and on this web page in April 2025