The Queenswell Federation School Street
This engagement has now closed.
We want our streets to be safe spaces for you to walk and cycle, for children to get to and from school safely and healthily, and for businesses to be able to prosper. A priority area for making our streets safer and cleaner are the roads around our schools.
The aim of the scheme is to create a safer environment for pupils to walk and cycle to school and to deal with the high traffic volumes around the school at certain times of the day. The scheme also helps to prevent potential conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, crowding fromContinue reading
We want our streets to be safe spaces for you to walk and cycle, for children to get to and from school safely and healthily, and for businesses to be able to prosper. A priority area for making our streets safer and cleaner are the roads around our schools.
The aim of the scheme is to create a safer environment for pupils to walk and cycle to school and to deal with the high traffic volumes around the school at certain times of the day. The scheme also helps to prevent potential conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, crowding from pupils and parents outside school gates, as well as preventing the potential of school children being forced onto the roads with traffic.
School Street scheme proposals for The Queenswell Federation
Did you know that there is a 172% increase in traffic on Sweets Way during school pick up and drop off times? Vehicles at this time can also be travelling up to 10mph over the speed limit on this road during these times.
Queenswell Federation was identified as a school that would benefit from being included as one of the three experimental School Street schemes. We are now engaging on the scheme to find out how residents, and other key stakeholders, would feel about implementing a temporary school street in this area.
How it works
School Streets are timed road restrictions during school pick up and drop off times with the aim of reducing general traffic around school entrances to improve general road safety, and to encourage more people to use active routes to get to school.
Residents and businesses located within the school street will be eligible for free permits to travel in and out of the school street without restriction.
The School Street Schemes are delivered under experimental traffic orders for up to 18 months. During this time there will be an opportunity to feedback comments regarding the experimental order. There will be a review within the 18 months to see if the schemes will be retained, altered or removed.
Key elements of the School Street scheme proposals:
- the proposals would see Sweets Way (between Lovegrove Way to school entrance) restricted to general traffic during school drop off and pick up times, 8.40am – 9.15am and 2.30pm-3.30pm, Monday to Friday, term time only
- during these hours this section of road will become a Pedestrian and Cycle Zone. The timed closure will be enforced with the use of ANPR (Automatic Number Plate Recognition) cameras.
- only residents, local businesses located within the School Street, permanent school staff and emergency vehicles will be permitted vehicular access on the School Street during the prescribed times.
We have provided more information below:
You can look at the design in more detail by clicking the link in the document library on the side of this page.
How to have your say
We are keen to hear your views on this School Street scheme proposal. Please take the time to review the plan and then give us your views by completing the online questionnaire below.
Alternative formats of the engagement
If you are unable to complete the questionnaire online and would like to request a paper copy or another format of the questionnaire, please email
Any paper copies should be sent to Highways Correspondence, London Borough of Barnet, 3rd Floor, Highways, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London, NW9 4EW, quoting reference number HAS002-12.
Properties within the affected area have been sent a letter inviting them to complete a questionnaire. If you live in the area and have not received a letter, please email us or write to us, using the contact details above.
What happens after the engagement closes?
Your comments, plus traffic, speed and parking surveys, will assist us in deciding whether to progress with the scheme. Once a decision has been made, we will write to local residents, business and schools in the affected areas to advise of them of the outcomes. The outcome will also be on Closed School Street engagement.
If you wish to have your say on another School Street scheme, please return to the main engagement page.
This engagement has now closed.
We asked, you said, we did
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We asked for your views on the implementation of a ‘School Street’, which is a controlled pedestrian and cycling zone during school pick up and drop off hours on the following road:
- Sweets Way (between Lovegrove Way to school entrance) and includes Greenside Close
The proposed times are 8.40-9.15am and 2.30-3.30pm Monday to Friday, term time only.
You said
We received 168 responses to this engagement with:
- 49.40% of respondents in support of the measures
- 45.24% of respondents opposed to the measures
- 5.36% of respondents neither support nor opposed.
Further feedback included:
- 21.6% of respondents stating the scheme should be extended either to rest of Sweets Way or to Queens Avenue/Orchard Avenue.
- 4.2% of respondents thought it would negatively impact the private development
- 13.4% of respondents said they thought it would push traffic outside of the zone.
We did
Based on the feedback received and having reviewed the traffic counts and parking stress surveys, officers have decided to make the School Street permanent.
Following feedback and taking into concerns from residents regarding the impact of the School Street, we have also decided to add an additional School Street Zone onto Orchard Avenue and Queens Avenue.
The Queenswell Federation School Street has finished this stage5 July 2024
The Queenswell Federation School Street is currently at this stage6 September 2024
Feedback Due
this is an upcoming stage for The Queenswell Federation School Street31 October 2024