Proposed extension to Totteridge and Whetstone (TW) CPZ – parking engagement

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This consultation has now closed.


In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs).

We have adopted a systematic approach to delivering CPZ’s, incorporating a set of parameters for parking controls which means they should:

  • avoid a piecemeal approach (kicking the issue to the next street)
  • address anticipated displacement proactively
  • address safety concerns such as sightline issues
  • be as simple as possible and harmonised – intuitive

The existing Totteridge and Whetstone (TW) CPZ was first introduced in April


In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZs).

We have adopted a systematic approach to delivering CPZ’s, incorporating a set of parameters for parking controls which means they should:

  • avoid a piecemeal approach (kicking the issue to the next street)
  • address anticipated displacement proactively
  • address safety concerns such as sightline issues
  • be as simple as possible and harmonised – intuitive

The existing Totteridge and Whetstone (TW) CPZ was first introduced in April 2016 on Hayward Road, Birley Road and Naylor Road and operates Monday to Sunday, 2pm to 3pm. Due to the displacement caused on neighbouring roads during weekdays the CPZ was extended into Ridgeview Road and Charnwood Place in 2017 and this section operates Monday to Friday, 2pm to 3pm.

What we are proposing

To ensure the CPZ is still meeting the needs of its residents, business owners and visitors, we are undertaking a parking engagement about the inclusion of additional roads into the TW CPZ.

We have been made aware that some residents of Blakeney Close, Manus Way, and St. Margarets Avenue want to be included in the TW CPZ due to displacement from the neighbouring CPZ and being very close to Totteridge and Whetstone Station.

This parking engagement will enable officers to get a clearer understanding of any parking issues that may be happening in these roads. As part of this data gathering exercise, we have also engaged the services of an external agency to carry out parking stress surveys on the roads in the proposed extension area.

This will help determine whether any changes may be required to improve parking opportunities for residents and businesses as well as accessibility and road safety.

We have provided more information below:

Blue Badge holders

If a CPZ is introduced and you are a Blue Badge holder with an existing disabled persons parking bay that is already allocated to you, this would be included within the CPZ, and would not affect your ability to park in the bay.

Your views are important to us

We want to hear your views on our proposals. We want to hear from residents, businesses and other properties in the local area.

We have written to all properties in the roads affected by the measures explaining our proposals in full and inviting them to take part in this parking engagement. You can view the letter sent out here.

If you live, have a business or have an organisation in the affected roads and have not received a letter, please contact us using the contact details below, quoting reference number SCR583.

How to have your say:

The parking engagement will run from Thursday 5 September until Sunday 29 September 2024 to determine the extent of the parking pressures being experienced, if any, in your area, and you are encouraged to have your say by completing our online questionnaire below.

In addition, street notices will be erected in the proposed roads providing a link directly to the online questionnaire.

If you would like to request a paper questionnaire and any plans showing the proposed area that you cannot access online, or require another format, please contact us quoting reference SCR583, by:

  • emailing
  • telephoning the Parking Design Team - Highways on 020 8359 3555
  • writing to: Parking Design Team - Highways, London Borough of Barnet, 3rd Floor, Highways, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London, NW9 4EW

If you would like someone to help you complete the questionnaire or need more information, please contact us using one of the above methods.

The closing date for submitting your views is Sunday 29 September 2024.

What happens after the engagement period closes:

We will use the engagement findings to inform our next steps and will publish the results, our recommendations and how we are acting on the results on this page in December 2024.

This consultation has now closed.
  • We asked, you said, we did

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    We asked

    We asked for your views on our proposal to extend the existing Totteridge and Whetstone Station (TW) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) to include Manus Way, Blakeney Close, St Margarets Avenue, Totteridge Lane, Baxendale, The Mount and Swan Lane.

    This proposal was in response to feedback received on parking displacement caused by non-residential parking.

    You said

    We received 40 responses out of 346 letters sent to residents outlining the proposed extension. This represents a response rate of 12%.

    In total, 80% stated that they experience parking problems on their road with:

    • 32.5% of respondents answering “always”
    • 47.5% answering “sometimes”
    • 20% answering “never”

    Overall 62.5% of respondents were in favour of being included in the CPZ

    We also received numerous comments on our proposals many of the responses to can be found in our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs). The comments include:

    • The CPZ appears to be more of a money-making scheme rather than a solution to local parking issues. Cost of living is high and many will struggle to afford permits.
    • The CPZ extension will just push parking displacement to other roads close to the proposed boundary.
    • Previous CPZ extensions have not brought noticeable improvement in parking availability or reduced commuter parking. There’s no guarantee that this further extension will achieve the intended goals.
    • Some of the proposed roads are not near Totteridge and Whetstone Station and are not experiencing parking displacements.
    • Where are commuters going to park? Some have no other option but to park on these free roads as there’s no parking at the nearby station.
    • Existing TW CPZs were required as most properties do not have driveways. Residents within the extension area have driveways and do not need a CPZ.
    • No issues in parking.

    We did

    We have reviewed all the feedback.

    Based on the responses received during the parking engagement and the high levels of parking stress identified during the surveys, it has been agreed that officers will proceed with the extension of the TW CPZ on an experimental basis to include the seven additional roads. The extended CPZ will operate as per the southern section of the existing TW CPZ – Monday to Friday, between 2pm and 3pm.

    The parking controls will be designed to mitigate the concerns raised and we will review the impact of the measures after a six-month statutory consultation period and any feedback received will help determine the future of the scheme.

    To support the CPZ, we will:

    • implement paid for (cashless) parking bays near stations and businesses
    • introduce Permit Parking Areas (PPAs) on smaller roads to allow residents with a TW CPZ permit to continue parking as they were
    • introduce Double Yellow lines at junctions or bends where identified to improve traffic flow and ensure larger vehicles such as the emergency services can navigate the area safely.

    The scheme will be implemented experimentally to enable comments to be made on a live scheme and officers to monitor the effects. We have written to residents with further details on how we will implement the TW CPZ extension on an experimental basis: TW CPZ Extension Pre-implementation Letter.

    Further details on the scheme, including how residents can apply for permits will be sent to residents by February 2025.