More About Karem and Eco Learn and Play

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About Karem:

My name is Karem, I am a Barnet resident, a mum of a lovely toddler and I work with parents and children at Babyzone UK.

I'm taking part in the BarNET ZERO challenge because I am passionate about saving our planet, saving parents money and creating wholesome, sustainable activities for families. 

About the project

What is Eco Learn & Play?

Eco Learn & Play is a fun, interactive and educational platform. I plan to deliver face-to-face sessions (and later online), where I will encourage parents and children to look at what we have in our homes. What I call "good rubbish" materials;, things like empty cardboard boxes, eggs boxes, and also, natural materials, like fallen leaves from a tree, sticks and stones, that we collect on our treasured outdoor walks.  We will turn these simple items into amazing games, toys and unique crafts. Each class will have an Eco-message to fuel that desire in our children to want to look after our environment while having lots of fun.

What are the benefits to Barnet?

As a parent I know how much time and money goes into keeping our children entertained. That’s why I created Eco Learn & Play, to fill that void, in a sustainable way.

Instead of clicking and buying a toy that ends up not being played with, parents and children will have the opportunity to bond as they tackle a fun craft and get, messy and creative.

We will learn and feel more confident about recycling and upcycling at home, reducing waste, spending less money on plastic and other harmful, unnecessary materials. 

Parents and children will enjoy the benefits of socialising with others and feel part of a caring, conscious community as we reduce carbon emissions in Barnet!

Arts and crafts are proven to do wonders for our good mental health and we will create an experience for the 5 senses as we get closer to nature; finding joy in Home-made/Hand-made treasures!

Vote for Eco Learn and Play

Please vote for Eco Learn & Play, I really think we can make a difference, have a ripple effect and be part of a positive change!!

See Karem's 'Eco Learn and Play' Video Here

Vote For Karem Here

About Karem:

My name is Karem, I am a Barnet resident, a mum of a lovely toddler and I work with parents and children at Babyzone UK.

I'm taking part in the BarNET ZERO challenge because I am passionate about saving our planet, saving parents money and creating wholesome, sustainable activities for families. 

About the project

What is Eco Learn & Play?

Eco Learn & Play is a fun, interactive and educational platform. I plan to deliver face-to-face sessions (and later online), where I will encourage parents and children to look at what we have in our homes. What I call "good rubbish" materials;, things like empty cardboard boxes, eggs boxes, and also, natural materials, like fallen leaves from a tree, sticks and stones, that we collect on our treasured outdoor walks.  We will turn these simple items into amazing games, toys and unique crafts. Each class will have an Eco-message to fuel that desire in our children to want to look after our environment while having lots of fun.

What are the benefits to Barnet?

As a parent I know how much time and money goes into keeping our children entertained. That’s why I created Eco Learn & Play, to fill that void, in a sustainable way.

Instead of clicking and buying a toy that ends up not being played with, parents and children will have the opportunity to bond as they tackle a fun craft and get, messy and creative.

We will learn and feel more confident about recycling and upcycling at home, reducing waste, spending less money on plastic and other harmful, unnecessary materials. 

Parents and children will enjoy the benefits of socialising with others and feel part of a caring, conscious community as we reduce carbon emissions in Barnet!

Arts and crafts are proven to do wonders for our good mental health and we will create an experience for the 5 senses as we get closer to nature; finding joy in Home-made/Hand-made treasures!

Vote for Eco Learn and Play

Please vote for Eco Learn & Play, I really think we can make a difference, have a ripple effect and be part of a positive change!!

See Karem's 'Eco Learn and Play' Video Here

Vote For Karem Here

Page last updated: 15 May 2024, 02:33 PM