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Montrose Playing Fields and Silkstream Park are right next to each other – but both have their own distinct qualities for everyone to enjoy. And what’s more, we’ve introduced new measures to slow down traffic on the road, Montrose Avenue, between the two.
The new road safety improvements between Silkstream and Montrose
Our improvements to Montrose Playing Fields include:
the Unitas Barnet Youth Zone facility for young people
two new tennis courts
basketball court
skate park
table tennis tables
outdoor gym
parkour area
a new Hub building that includes a café, changing rooms, public toilets and multi-use studio for children’s parties, mother-and-toddler groups and other events
and more!
The new tennis courts, basketball court, and tennis tables at Montrose Playing Fields
New leisure facilities at Montrose Playing Fields
The new outdoor gym and parkour facilities at Montrose Playing Fields
The new playground and Hub in Montrose Playing Fields
The opening of Unitas Barnet Youth Zone in 2019
The new skate park at Montrose Playing Fields
Montrose Playing Fields and Silkstream Park are right next to each other – but both have their own distinct qualities for everyone to enjoy. And what’s more, we’ve introduced new measures to slow down traffic on the road, Montrose Avenue, between the two.
The new road safety improvements between Silkstream and Montrose
Our improvements to Montrose Playing Fields include:
the Unitas Barnet Youth Zone facility for young people
two new tennis courts
basketball court
skate park
table tennis tables
outdoor gym
parkour area
a new Hub building that includes a café, changing rooms, public toilets and multi-use studio for children’s parties, mother-and-toddler groups and other events
and more!
The new tennis courts, basketball court, and tennis tables at Montrose Playing Fields
New leisure facilities at Montrose Playing Fields
The new outdoor gym and parkour facilities at Montrose Playing Fields
The new playground and Hub in Montrose Playing Fields
The opening of Unitas Barnet Youth Zone in 2019
The new skate park at Montrose Playing Fields
Page last updated: 01 Jun 2022, 10:20 AM
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