Mayor's Air Quality Fund

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Mayor's Air Quality Fund- Burnt Oak Low Emission Neighbourhood

On 9th March 2024 the Mayor of London announced that Barnet Council had successfully been awarded nearly £600,000 towards creating a Burnt Oak Low Emissions Neighbourhood.

The funding runs from 2024/2025 – 2026/2027.

It covers the entire neighbourhood of Burnt Oak with a particular focus on air quality.

The key problems Burnt Oak are:

  • High concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) along Watling Avenue which exceed World Health Organisation levels and national air quality objective.

  • Lack of greening on the high street and sustainable connections to greenspaces.

  • Life expectancy is the lowest in the borough.

  • Lower percentage of physically active people in Burnt Oak in comparison with other areas of the borough.

  • Obesity levels of children are high.

To tackle these problems we are looking to deliver the following interventions:

  • Improved public realm, greening and cycle parking

  • Delivery of Cycleway 51 (part of Barnet Loop)

  • Creating a circular economy with businesses

  • Pedestrianising Barnfield Road temporarily

  • Air Quality campaigns including anti-idling outside schools / bus shelter advertising and other visual assets

  • Pedometer challenge for Burnt Oak schools

  • Air Quality monitors to be installed

  • Collaborating with Middlesex University to use Portable Air Quality Monitors in the area

  • Undertake surveys to assess the before and after

We hope the overall benefits of the Low Emission Neighbourhood will be:


Quantified Results

Reduced NO2

Below 40 μg/m3

Reduced PM

Below 15 μg/m3 for PM10 and between 5-10 μg/m3 for PM2.5

Increased Footfall / People walking

Increased footfall above 659 people per peak hour on Watling Avenue

More welcoming high street

Less people say area is not welcoming, ideally below 50%

Increased cycling

54% increase in people cycling along Barnet Loop (Cycleway 51)

Reduced Crime

Under 163 crimes per month in Burnt Oak

Increased sustainable school travel

Increase in children stating they use sustainable modes to travel to school

Mayor's Air Quality Fund- Burnt Oak Low Emission Neighbourhood

On 9th March 2024 the Mayor of London announced that Barnet Council had successfully been awarded nearly £600,000 towards creating a Burnt Oak Low Emissions Neighbourhood.

The funding runs from 2024/2025 – 2026/2027.

It covers the entire neighbourhood of Burnt Oak with a particular focus on air quality.

The key problems Burnt Oak are:

  • High concentrations of nitrogen dioxide (NO2) along Watling Avenue which exceed World Health Organisation levels and national air quality objective.

  • Lack of greening on the high street and sustainable connections to greenspaces.

  • Life expectancy is the lowest in the borough.

  • Lower percentage of physically active people in Burnt Oak in comparison with other areas of the borough.

  • Obesity levels of children are high.

To tackle these problems we are looking to deliver the following interventions:

  • Improved public realm, greening and cycle parking

  • Delivery of Cycleway 51 (part of Barnet Loop)

  • Creating a circular economy with businesses

  • Pedestrianising Barnfield Road temporarily

  • Air Quality campaigns including anti-idling outside schools / bus shelter advertising and other visual assets

  • Pedometer challenge for Burnt Oak schools

  • Air Quality monitors to be installed

  • Collaborating with Middlesex University to use Portable Air Quality Monitors in the area

  • Undertake surveys to assess the before and after

We hope the overall benefits of the Low Emission Neighbourhood will be:


Quantified Results

Reduced NO2

Below 40 μg/m3

Reduced PM

Below 15 μg/m3 for PM10 and between 5-10 μg/m3 for PM2.5

Increased Footfall / People walking

Increased footfall above 659 people per peak hour on Watling Avenue

More welcoming high street

Less people say area is not welcoming, ideally below 50%

Increased cycling

54% increase in people cycling along Barnet Loop (Cycleway 51)

Reduced Crime

Under 163 crimes per month in Burnt Oak

Increased sustainable school travel

Increase in children stating they use sustainable modes to travel to school

Page published: 26 Sep 2024, 03:45 PM