Main Modifications to the Local Plan consultation

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Whether you are planning to undertake a development or want to find out how future development may affect your area, the Local Plan will be of interest to you. We have worked with residents, local and national interest groups as well as service providers in order to produce a Local Plan that responds to the challenges we face around growth and climate change, while providing the guidance that ensures future development meets the needs of the borough and are delivered in an agreed way.

Our Plan is at an advanced stage and will provide the planning framework for development


Whether you are planning to undertake a development or want to find out how future development may affect your area, the Local Plan will be of interest to you. We have worked with residents, local and national interest groups as well as service providers in order to produce a Local Plan that responds to the challenges we face around growth and climate change, while providing the guidance that ensures future development meets the needs of the borough and are delivered in an agreed way.

Our Plan is at an advanced stage and will provide the planning framework for development in the borough until 2036. Having now been examined by a Planning Inspector appointed by the Government, the Planning Inspector has asked the council to make a number of modifications to the Plan in order for it to be capable of adoption. We appreciate your support and involvement so far in the Local Plan process and now invite you to comment on the final Modifications to the Local Plan.

Main Modifications to the Local Plan

Main modifications are material changes to the submitted plan which are necessary to make it sound and legally compliant. A summary of these changes is provided in the Guidance Note for Representations.

Main Modifications are proposed without prejudice to the Inspectors’ final conclusions on the Local Plan. This consultation invites comments on the following documents:

  • Schedule of Main Modifications
  • Sustainability Appraisal of Main Modifications to the Local Plan
  • Habitats Regulations Assessment of Main Modifications to the Local Plan
  • Changes to the Policies Map.

The documents can be viewed on our website. All of the supporting evidence base that has been submitted to the Planning Inspectorate can be found here, and all the Examination documents that have been produced can be found here.

Consultation on the Main Modifications will run from Tuesday 7 May to Tuesday 18 June 2024.

How can I comment?

As with our previous Local Plan consultations, we are required to ask whether the Plan is legal and meets the “Tests of Soundness”. We have produced a Guidance Note to help with making comments and recommend that you use the Representations Forms for making comments.

Any comments should be made using the Main Modifications Representation Form. The Form is in two parts: Part A only needs to be completed once, and Part B should be completed for each representation made and returned along with a single completed Part A.

Comments can only be made on the proposed Main Modifications, not the full draft Plan as submitted. When submitting your comments, please make clear which Main Modification(s) you are commenting on.

What will happen after this consultation?

All comments will be made public and will be submitted to the Inspectors following this consultation. The Inspectors will then consider the responses and prepare a report for the council. Subject to that report the Local Plan will then be adopted by the council.