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School Streets questionnaire

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We want our streets to be safe spaces for you to walk and cycle, for children to get to and from school safely and healthily, for businesses to be able to prosper, and for you to be breathing cleaner air. A priority area for making our streets safer and cleaner are the roads around our schools. We do this through School Streets (pedestrian and cycle only zones).

School streets are timed road restrictions around schools with the aim of creating a safer environment for pupils to walk and cycle to school and to deal with the high traffic volumes around schools at certain times of the day.

The schemes also help to prevent potential conflicts between vehicles and pedestrians, crowding from pupils and parents outside school gates, as well as preventing the potential of young children being forced onto the roads with traffic. 

It should only take about five minutes of your time.

To ensure personal information about you is secure, all your answers will be treated in the strictest of confidence and stored securely in an anonymous format. We never release information that in any way allows an individual to be identified and only report of aggregated groups of respondents. 

Thank you for your time – your participation in this important consultation is greatly appreciated.

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