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We asked
We asked for your views on our proposals to changes in how we charge for Highways Licences.
The council charges for ‘each’ highway licence issued which can last up to 6 months. We proposed to change the unit of measure so that licences are charged for ‘each month’ the works are in place.
You said
We received eight responses to our questionnaire:
- 75% of respondents agreed that developers should be encouraged to clear the footway / carriageway of works as soon as possible
- 66.67% of respondents agreed that developers should only pay for a Highways Licence for the period it is required
- 55.56% respondents agreed that charges should fairly reflect the cost of administering the licence
- 87.5% respondents disagreed that we should change the way we charge for Highways Licences. Every objection to our proposal was received from a contractor who has worked in Barnet in the last 12 months.
We did
We took all feedback into consideration prior to taking our final recommendations to the Council meeting on Tuesday 9 July 2024(External link)(External link). Special consideration was given to:
- the impact the proposed changes will have on contractors working in the borough
- the need to clear the footways and carriageways of works as soon as possible
- the cost of administrating Highways Licences to the council.
Following approval at the Council meeting, we will implement the proposed changes to the charges for Highways Licences HW3, HW4, HW5 and HW6, with effect from 1 August 2024.
You can read more information in the full consultation report(External link)(External link).