Golders Green (H) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) parking engagement

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This consultation has now closed.


In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ).

We have adopted a systematic approach to delivering CPZ’s, incorporating a set of parameters for parking controls which means they should:

  • avoid a piecemeal approach (kicking the issue to the next street)
  • address anticipated displacement proactively
  • address safety concerns such as sightline issues
  • be as simple as possible and harmonised – intuitive.

The existing Golders Green (H) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) was first introduced


In Barnet, like many other local authorities, we have a system of parking bays and parking permits that prioritises parking for local residents, businesses, and their visitors. These systems are called Controlled Parking Zones (CPZ).

We have adopted a systematic approach to delivering CPZ’s, incorporating a set of parameters for parking controls which means they should:

  • avoid a piecemeal approach (kicking the issue to the next street)
  • address anticipated displacement proactively
  • address safety concerns such as sightline issues
  • be as simple as possible and harmonised – intuitive.

The existing Golders Green (H) Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) was first introduced on 4th September 1997, with amendments made in subsequent years. The CPZ, as detailed on the plan below, operates from Monday to Friday, between:

  • 11am and 12noon on the west side, and
  • 10am and 5pm on the east side.

What we are proposing

To ensure the CPZ is still meeting the needs of all residents, business owners and visitors, we are undertaking a parking engagement about the current operational days and times to determine whether any changes may be required to the Golders Green (H) CPZ.

We have already been made aware that some residents of St George’s Road want an extension to the operating times of the CPZ to include Saturday and Sunday between 6pm and 8pm in their road. If agreed, traffic may become displaced into neighbouring roads.

This parking engagement will enable officers to get a clearer understanding of any parking issues that may be happening in these roads. As part of this data gathering exercise, we have also engaged the services of an external agency to carry out parking stress surveys on the roads in the proposed extension area.

This will help determine whether any changes may be required to improve parking opportunities for residents and businesses as well as accessibility and road safety.

We have provided more information below:

Your views are important to us

We want to hear your views on our proposals. We want to hear from residents, businesses and other properties in the local area.

We have written to all properties in the Golders Green (H) CPZ explaining our proposals in full and inviting them to take part in this parking engagement. You can view the letter sent out here.

If you live, have a business or an organisation in a road located within the Golders Green (H) CPZ and have not received a letter, please contact us using the contact details below, quoting reference number SCR585

How to have your say:

An parking engagement will run from Monday 9 September until Sunday 13 October 2024 to determine the extent of the parking pressures being experienced, if any in your area, and you are encouraged to have your say by completing our online questionnaire.

In addition, street notices will be erected in the proposed roads confirming details about the online questionnaire.

If you would like to request a paper questionnaire and any plans showing the proposed area that you cannot access online, or require another format, please contact us quoting reference SCR585, by:

  • emailing or
  • telephoning the Parking Design Team - Highways on 020 8359 3555
  • writing to: Parking Design Team - Highways, London Borough of Barnet, 3rd Floor, Highways, 2 Bristol Avenue, Colindale, London, NW9 4EW

If you would like someone to help you complete the questionnaire or need more information, please contact us using one of the above methods.

The closing date for submitting your views is Sunday 13 October 2024.

What happens after the engagement period closes:

We will use the engagement findings to inform our next steps. We will publish the results of the engagement, our recommendations and how we are acting on the results of the engagement on this web page in March 2025.

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    This consultation has now closed.
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