We asked, you said, we did

30 Nov 2021

We asked

We asked for your feedback on the public realm improvement proposals for Finchley Central – ‘Finchley Square’. We also asked for your thoughts on the types and times of community activities you would like to see taking place in Finchley Square.

You said

We received an over 130 detailed responses to the feedback questionnaires. Our six pop-up events were very well attended, allowing us to answer many of your questions and hear your ideas. The results for the public realm improvement proposals were overwhelmingly positive:

  • 88% of your responses either directly supported the proposals to increase greening in Finchley Central (76%) or felt neutral (12%).
  • 80% of your responses either directly supported the proposals to make the town centre more accessible (62% ) or felt neutral about this (18%).
  • 75% of your responses either directly supported the proposals to strengthen the visual identity of Finchley Central (57%) or felt neutral (18%).
  • 78% of your responses either directly supported the proposals to create a community destination in the town centre (56% ) or felt neutral (22%).

In terms of the community events; the most popular types were markets, exhibitions and performances; and the most popular time of day for the community events was from the lunch-time through to the evening.

You can read the full results of the consultation and the many helpful suggestions that were made here.

We did

The findings from the consultation will be taken and considered by the Council to inform the final proposals developed for the Finchley Central public realm proposals, enabling the Council to start the delivery phase of this project, which presently is anticipated to begin by Summer 2023.

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Consultation has concluded
