Consultation has concluded
Barnet and Harrow councils are jointly preparing the draft Edgware Growth Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide how Edgware Town Centre can successfully undergo renewal and serve as a destination for local residents and businesses.
Edgware Town Centre has a diverse character, vibrant community and excellent shopping opportunities. The planning framework will:
- Support redevelopment of key sites to reflect Edgware’s status as a major town centre;
- Reinforce the role of the high street;
- Provide new public spaces and make the street environment more attractive;
- Celebrate local heritage;
- Improve the environment for pedestrians and cyclists;
- ProvideContinue reading
Consultation has concluded
Barnet and Harrow councils are jointly preparing the draft Edgware Growth Area Supplementary Planning Document (SPD) to guide how Edgware Town Centre can successfully undergo renewal and serve as a destination for local residents and businesses.
Edgware Town Centre has a diverse character, vibrant community and excellent shopping opportunities. The planning framework will:
- Support redevelopment of key sites to reflect Edgware’s status as a major town centre;
- Reinforce the role of the high street;
- Provide new public spaces and make the street environment more attractive;
- Celebrate local heritage;
- Improve the environment for pedestrians and cyclists;
- Provide better options for more sustainable transport and safe and active movement;
- Provide opportunities for new high-quality homes, including affordable housing.
The draft Edgware Growth Area SPD is supported by the following documents:
Why we are consulting?
Once adopted, the SPD will provide a material consideration for the determination of planning applications within the SPD boundary.
Barnet and Harrow Councils are undertaking joint consultation on this draft SPD and welcome your input. We want to hear the views of local residents, visitors, businesses and stakeholders. It is important that residents and other interested parties have their say on the emerging plan.
Due to Covid-19 and the continuing requirements for social distancing and the limitations on groups gathering indoors, all consultation sessions will be held online.
Give us your views
Please come along to one of our online sessions (see joining details below) or read the Draft SPD and then give us your views. You can do this in various ways:
- Complete our online questionnaire;
- Alternatively, representations can also be submitted by using the following methods:
The six-week consultation period runs from 11 January to 22 February 2021.
Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are strongly encouraging use of the online documents; please contact us if you want to discuss document access.
If you require assistance in accessing the documents, please enquire by emailing or calling planning enquires on 0208 359 3000.
The closing date for us to receive questionnaires and comments is Monday 22 February 2021.
Online Consultation Events
Two consultation sessions are taking place on-line using Zoom on the following dates. The events will include presentations from Council officers about the SPD and its key proposals, and opportunity for Q&A and discussion with Council officers about the proposals. The events are being facilitated by independent consultation organisation Public Perspectives to help us get the most out of them. We encourage people from all backgrounds and interests to take part to discuss the SPD.
• Thursday 28 January, 6.00-7.30pm
• Wednesday 10 February, 6.00-7.30pm
Please join from a few minutes before 6pm for a prompt start. You will initially be held in a virtual waiting room and invited into the main event at 6pm. You are free to join and leave the event at any time, but we encourage you to stay for the full duration to get the most out of it.
Both events will cover the same content and feel free to join one or both events.